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Breaking News President Trump in Quarantine... Test Positive for Covid-19

We all know trump is a piece of shit, so im not surprised by this tweet.

On the flipside, im actually happy. My worry was that Trump might come out the hospital and show some fake new found sympathy and get some votes.

There are still a ton of on the fence racists who want to vote for Trump if he just gives them the smallest reason to vote for him. Those mfers could have been swayed if Trump came out on some Im a changed man shit.

But Trump being Trump, he kept it on brand which is probably the best outcome of all this.
I might have to go find this bitch if I had a family member who died from covid

his tweet has encouraged this now... all his supporters will look at him as a god...

its wild, I told my wife when he first won the presidency... if this man is able to bounce back from anything, especially something very life threatening, they will worship him even more & he will win again based off that

and boom, covid, near death supposedly and now he’s “perfectly fine”... and his battle w covid will be what wins him the election again..

I’m shocked but not shocked @ the same time.
This is all a ploy. He'll get better and tell the American public that he is sorry for all the deaths because he thought it was a ploy made up by the left and the American public will eat that up and he will win in a landslide. And blacks will still have it bad. So idgaf