NSFW Pornstar before and after

Heather Hunter


I'm mad I glanced at this pic and instantly knew where she was in .25 seconds. She's in Montego Bay, Jamaica

All that money she made and cant buy a real bed or at least a box spring
She went from the top earner that owned her own production company to bankrupt addict & I believe lost custody of her kids to her ex husband Tito Ortiz. She prob back to selling pussy, cheap af.
Depending on the city fire fighters make a lot of money. I've managed some of their assets, all the ones I've come across make 100k-120k and they weren't even 30. Smallest one was 85k and he was only 24.
I see what you are saying, but that only means her years doing porn was a waste. She should've just went on to be a firefighter in the first place if she going to be one at the end.