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COMMUNITY Playground Swings and Things

We were allowed to play wall ball, dodgeball, and kill the man with the ball at school. Now that I think about it, we were damn near allowed to kill each other at recess.
It was multiple mf'ers with bruised eyes and knots from taking fast balls to the face playing dodgeball, people were throwing them shits hard as hell
Didn’t know there was names for these things lol

On swings we mainly just swung as high as we could. The whole thing would end up shaking and snapping back when you just dropped because you were too high. Also we tried to jump the furthest off the swing

Thinking back I’m glad I didn’t grow up in the social media era. I was always outside doing something
Its something you do on a swing set

Our swings were much larger *or so it seemed as a child* and we did all kinda tricks on them

Oh y’all was bored bored
But nah

niggas used to break the swings and use the chains as weapons.
Or break the seat...so we gerryrigged the shit with a old milk crate and cut off oneside to make a seat.