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NSFW Persephanii my new bae

Can someone please either delete that shyt...spoiler it...SOMETHING! Smh

I don't even wanna know how they searched for something like that.

I was on Reddit in r/kappa which is street fighter fighting game trolls/ spam

and I was scrolling and saw that
And I was like WTF if I gotta see this shit, I’m going to share it with others

then I remembered what was talked about here

and just said fuck it

But seriously I hope y’all have a bless night and Persephanii come in here MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WITH HER 11/10 Self
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I was on Reddit in r/kappa which is street fighter fighting game trolls/ spam

and I was scrolling and saw that
And I was like WTF if I gotta see this shit, I’m going to share it with others

then I remembered what was talked about here

and just said fuck it

But seriously I hope y’all have a bless night and Persephanii come in here MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WITH HER 11/10 Self
He Said he didn't wanna know
See the source image
You wild'en. Young persephanii was a 10. Her genetics are crazy.
View attachment 521431

Nah, I’m really not. I never said she didn’t have a great body even back then, but there are literally hundreds of women from that era, with banging bodies. I can literally post some at random. I can’t find all of them to be 10s. Nobody would. To me, not only her body, but also her face glows at she got bigger. Some people look better with weight on, and she fits, I know some of y’all ain’t going to agree.

brazil-5.jpg BuffieTheBodyOnABikeBM8.jpg ChampagneOrnageBeach6.jpg danye-dimore-005-2011-09-19-the-vixen-connoisseur.jpeg LondonCharlesSheet6.jpg TemecaFreemanColShow11.jpg tumblr_likn4amHjL1qinwg5o1_1280.jpg Miss-Koi-Feet-1083018.jpg veatrice2.jpg tumblr_ntih9uPlOr1qinwg5o2_1280.jpg