Paul Mooney Molested Richard Pryor's Son?

shit been coming out for years smh

and I fw Mooney and Pryor....always have

it aint really surprising, but it just seems odd that this whole lil circle was on some down low shit

im more comfortable blaming cocaine and shady hollywood practices
grown or not im sure with Mooney being who he was and being older, it was still most likely a predatory type of thing

he knew all the games that had probably been played on them at that age or younger

he had been around for years....probably hung out with him all time while RP worked

i would think thats where the violation was
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shit been coming out for years smh

and I fw Mooney and Pryor....always have

it aint really surprising, but it just seems odd that this whole lil circle was on some down low shit

im more comfortable blaming cocaine and shady hollywood practices
Richard never really had a chance his family ran a brothel his momma was a Puerto Rican prostitute and the dirty white tricks used to come thru and molest rich I guess that fucked him up. I refuse to believe he had an affair with brando . I heard that was Marvin Gaye who had an affair instaid. The entertainment industry is gay as hell
yeah i feel like Dave about the Mike thing lol

im cool on more details about this shit