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Kobe With The Pivot
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Do you cover your kids face in pictures you post on social media?



Of course I have no issue with it, I just never understood it.
I have two FB accts: one that is strictly for family and friends I've known since being a toddler (aka, pretty much family at this point), and the other is full of classmates, old friends, and a handful of associates. The Family account has pics of my kids on it, faces and all. The Friends account very rarely ever gets personal shit posted on there and never my kids. Grandma and wife passing got posted, a tribute to my pops and stepfathers on father's day without linking them or even naming them, but that's about it.
I don't use social media and don't freely posts pictures of myself or family online.

My wife on the other hand...She does post our kids, but she has all her social media accounts set to only be seen by Friends/Followers on the app. That's not perfect but at least its some measure of security.
Why are yall against posting kids online?
Ehh it’s really just my preference

I’m just pretty private as a person

And I don’t necessarily mean online but specifically here lol

There’s too many nasty niggas in the cut for me to feel comfortable

I know that’s the same on IG and twitter but Idk this place has semen on the floor vibes nh

This is just me though lol
Ehh it’s really just my preference

I’m just pretty private as a person

And I don’t necessarily mean online but specifically here lol

There’s too many nasty niggas in the cut for me to feel comfortable

I know that’s the same on IG and twitter but Idk this place has semen on the floor vibes nh

This is just me though lol

You feel more comfortable on the white man's platform? I get it
You don't really know the people you're showing your kids to. Don't those social media sites have control of your pics when you post them. As for here we don't know each other besides our favorite sports teams and what our favorite artist is. Nobody should be trusted with your kids pictures and too many people post them all willy nilly
But what can people do with the pics? Photoshop it? AI?

And where's the line drawn? I won't post my kids, but yall can do what yall want with moms and wifey's pics?
I'm against that too, if you wanna post yourself then that's your business but I'm sure mom and wife don't know they on here. Would they be cool being shown to strangers when they have their own social media set to private
Don't have to worry about it cuz I don't post my kids online. And it isn't for any safety reasons. Like I'm not concerned about a weirdo seeing one of my babies online and trying to come and steal them. There's just certain shit that's just for me. My children fall into that category. I used to post my son in the IC Kids thread back in the day and that was cool. And I had him on my IG for years. Then one day I decided I was off it and stripped his presence from my social media altogether.

I think there is ONE pic of my daughter online. On twitter on her 1st birthday. That's it. Doubt I'll ever go back to posting my children online.
Ehh it’s really just my preference

I’m just pretty private as a person

And I don’t necessarily mean online but specifically here lol

There’s too many nasty niggas in the cut for me to feel comfortable

I know that’s the same on IG and twitter but Idk this place has semen on the floor vibes nh

This is just me though lol

Good points
Nah I don’t blur her face never have. She about to be 12 and yes I get somebody can take a pic and do whatever but I doubt it
I post my kids as I feel...

I can acknowledge the world a weird ass place, but that shit outta my control. I refuse to live in fear of enjoying simple shit like sharing a feel good moment with me and my kids.

I get it though, I just don't worry about it a much I guess.
I'm too private and not active enough on SM to want to post my kids. I have b4 and didn't cover their faces tho

And niggs DEF weirdos for posting they kids on here. With all due respect, own that weird shit tho