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Orgone energy. Real or Myth?


Unverified Legion of Trill member

The Dangerous Truth about Orgone

It’s not uncommon for fringe scientists to be persecuted by the authorities, particularly if they happen to be working on hitherto-unknown forms of energy. But the persecution is usually done in a subtle way, so that only the victim is aware of it. That certainly wasn’t the case with Wilhelm Reich, the man who introduced the world to orgone energy. He was persecuted in a brutal, systematic and very public way. His books were burned, his apparatus was destroyed, his ideas were reviled and he was thrown into prison. What dangerous truth had Reich stumbled across, to warrant such heavy-handed treatment?

Wilhelm Reich began his career as a psychoanalyst in the Freudian tradition, but Reich went much further than Freud in linking psychology to sex. He believed that orgasm was the ultimate key to physical and mental health, and that conditions such as schizophrenia originated from an inability to achieve orgasm. According to Reich, the effect of an orgasm is to generate large quantities of a special form of energy called orgone. Although the idea was new to western science when he proposed it in the 1930s, orgone can trace its roots to the Kundalini energy of ancient India or the Qi of traditional Chinese medicine.

Reich came to believe that orgone could be collected and stored in the same way that electrical energy can be stored in a battery. He invented a device for this purpose called an orgone accumulator – a wooden booth lined with metal foil that would collect the orgone of whoever was seated inside. Convinced that he had discovered a previously unknown form of energy, Reich even persuaded Einstein – the most famous physicist of the day – to take an interest in the orgone accumulator. Einstein carried out various tests, but after two weeks concluded there was no physical basis to Reich’s orgone theory.


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If you not creating a special energy when you buss you ain’t bussin’ right...right?? Reich?!

Orgasm is a drawing in of massive amounts of energy. Everything is about energy, your couch, your dog, your thoughts, everything. The secret to life imo is manipulating that energy in your favor.
I know a few people who claim to be orgone practicioners, but what they do is bullshit.

However, im not an expert in the subject personally so im not going to condemn the entire thing because ive dealt with a few dipshits.

So i dont really have a verdict either way.