Onlyfans chick regrets it following her around after 2 years

There are women that make a lot of money without showing anything. No idea why men pay for it but 🤷‍♂️

Though of course they'll make even more if they show something and when they do finally end up showing something I guess the money is too much to resist
Tell you what... When men are extended the same empathy and tolerance you say we lack, maybe then those men unwilling to give the same to women a will do so as well.

A man does something society deems wrong and he will still answer for it no matter what strides he makes to change himself for the better. It's the reason people still ask Tim Allen about his drug kingpin past, Mike Vick about them dogs, and anyone else like that.

Bruh please you act like women haven’t been shamed for 1000s of years for being whores or perceived whoredom. I ain’t know Tim Allen was in the streets and my folks stayed watching home improvement. Vick is black so that’s part of it.
Bruh please you act like women haven’t been shamed for 1000s of years for being whores or perceived whoredom. I ain’t know Tim Allen was in the streets and my folks stayed watching home improvement. Vick is black so that’s part of it.

Tim did prison time here in MI back in the 70's for it. Muhfucka had a life sentence for that shit, snitched on ERRUHBODY and got it cut short. He still gets asked about it in interviews and the shit pisses him off to no end.

Society still does not accept women slutting about and I doubt it ever will. That's something you need to understand when getting into shit like this. I know a grip of chicks from back inna day that were strippers and every one of them would prefer that part of their life stay buried. I told the story about one that's my peoples that was featured on Real Sex and how a re-run of that show fucked her life up. Shit sucks but when you do something that society does not accept, society will react.

Whether you, the individual, are cool with it is neither here nor there, society makes the rules. You gotta fight extra hard to break free from that stigma society has placed on you and in the age of the internet, that's damned near impossible. Tim Allen was fortunate to have had his shit pop off in the 70's when there was no internet. In fact, nobody knew about it for years. Naturally it resurfaced but by then he had made a decent name for himself so it was ok, but it's still a source of embarrassment and irritation.

Had she done a magazine spread for one of them random skin mags back in the 90's she might actually be ok. Those mags ain't in circulation like that anymore and I doubt anyone but a hardcore collector would even have them at this point, so that past is as good as erased. Today? The shit lives forever.
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My post was about the use of those lyrics and what's implied by them.

Nobody deserves anything, but if she's willing to put in the work to have a good relationship and raise a family, I hope she can do that. People with worse histories have been able to do it, so why not her.


"If you can't accept her at her don't deserve her at her best."
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Your past behavior is the greatest indicator of your future behavior

So some things ain’t worth the time/investment
Not necessarily.

See Malcolm X.

Hopefully the young lady from ONLYFANS can redeem herself and find happiness.
Wait… Hold up.

Did somebody in this discussion really attempt to get his point across by using the past transgressions of a convicted child molester and the past transgressions of an adult entertainer as an analogy?

Did I read that correctly?

Good Lord… Some of y’all really need Jesus.