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One Gotta Go...Thanksgiving Pie edition

Which one gotta go?

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Pecan pie I’ve never been down with. Hook me up with some peach cobbler or some cheesecake.

When I was young I thought that shit was made w/ actual cheese so I never ate it.

Til I was bout 9/10 and I had some of my Aunt Ree's w/ the strawberries....

What the fuck is wrong with yall niggas saying Pecan Pie.
My sister makes a pretty decent pumpkin pie, but it just tastes like a watered down sweet potato pie. So FOH pumpkin pie.
I like Lemon meringue....out of the entire list I have only had apple...so I dunno, pumkin, cheese, potato just dont sound like pies to me but I never had em.......I did try german chocalte cake once and that was some nasty ass shit
What the fuck is wrong with yall niggas saying Pecan Pie.
My sister makes a pretty decent pumpkin pie, but it just tastes like a watered down sweet potato pie. So FOH pumpkin pie.

Pecan pie would've been the next one gettin punted