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Easiest words it was explained to me in:

"Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live."

Bare to mind: we are now living in a time when we don't just live... People are starting to EXIST. Some people... Hell some people are communicating and never met!! And I'm not talking about any other technology but the computers known as their brains....
God knows all things past and present... People like me (the witch) and others like me (you hear lyrics all the time about the voices in people's heads) ...I'm pretty sure he meant we weren't supposed to be "woke" people... And who so ever woke us will have to answer to Him.



I question my own sanity while sitting in reality the vanity it shoved me up the ladder to Insanity.
Calamity she ran at me she said my soul I have to see there has to be a way for me to think about some other thing.
So see it's all just tragedy. Trajectory. Unsettled.

Sorry... It's like a burp. I can't help it.

Ok cool. So reading that, I would come to the same conclusion. Without getting into some long, drawn out response, I'll just mention this.

Isaiah 28:10King James Version (KJV)
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

Translation is a major source of confusion. This is why I study how I do for my own personal understanding. To me at first look, that looks like believers should kill witches. But the Hebrew gives an new understanding.

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch (3784, 8764) to live (2421 8762.)

Pronounce: kaw-shaf'

Strong: H3784

Orig: a primitive root; properly, to whisper a spell, i.e. to inchant or practise magic:--sorcerer, (use) witch(-craft).

Pronounce: khaw-yaw'

Strong: H2421

Orig: a primitive root (compare 2331, 2421); to live, whether literally or figuratively; causatively, to revive:--keep (leave, make) alive, X certainly, give (promise) life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save (alive, life, lives), X surely, be whole. H2331 H2421

So based on the original meaning, instead of insinuating burning alleged witches at the stake, thos scripture is advises believers to not consult those who practice "witchcraft" to legenthen their own days.

This is why I study Hebrew and use my concordance on a regular basis. Because their absolutely was an agenda to warp the original messages of the scripture.
Ok cool. So reading that, I would come to the same conclusion. Without getting into some long, drawn out response, I'll just mention this.

Isaiah 28:10King James Version (KJV)
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

Translation is a major source of confusion. This is why I study how I do for my own personal understanding. To me at first look, that looks like believers should kill witches. But the Hebrew gives an new understanding.

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch (3784, 8764) to live (2421 8762.)

Pronounce: kaw-shaf'

Strong: H3784

Orig: a primitive root; properly, to whisper a spell, i.e. to inchant or practise magic:--sorcerer, (use) witch(-craft).

Pronounce: khaw-yaw'

Strong: H2421

Orig: a primitive root (compare 2331, 2421); to live, whether literally or figuratively; causatively, to revive:--keep (leave, make) alive, X certainly, give (promise) life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save (alive, life, lives), X surely, be whole. H2331 H2421

So based on the original meaning, instead of insinuating burning alleged witches at the stake, thos scripture is advises believers to not consult those who practice "witchcraft" to legenthen their own days.

This is why I study Hebrew and use my concordance on a regular basis. Because their absolutely was an agenda to warp the original messages of the scripture.

Beautiful addition to my Understanding. Thank you. :) ....this reaffirms my attitude about practicing....
We are what we are...
I am what God made me to be. He made me to See. I am Perfect in THAT decree.
Yeah... Inboxed you too...
I posted what I sent you... But nobody gonna go lookyloo.. lol

(I haven't "practiced" since years before iWoke.)
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now...onto my spill about tithing

lets just put this out there...the church is a business.

It needs finances to keep the lights on, water running, etc...

so people need to get off this "why the church need money stuff" imo

also, you dont always have to tithe your finances. You can tithe your time and talents to also advance the kingdom. Thats not to say you should ever ever ever make a financial pledge or offering, but dont die on this hill and let it stop you from contributing in some way.

another way to look at it is, singing might not be your thing, so the choir isnt for you, but maybe you have an infectious attitude and a general pleasant attitude, so the role of greeter is right up your alley. Or maybe you help tutor the youth after school. That is just as valuable as a monetary contribution


yea, if anyone is really worried about where their tithes go.......

volunteer to work in the finance room at one of these small churches.....not multi billion dollar churches..
i'm talking 30-60 members community driven family churches........when u see how much money actually comes in vs how much a typical church puts out......

it's no wonder them folk so faith driven...

i give what i can, and donate my time when i can as well.....plus being one of the younger folk, i'm often a runner back n forth in the building during most services n stuff....

wife works in the finance room....

we both will throw on aprons to serve food if we're not already committed to do such....

so it's more than just money....u can giv ur time as well, churches always need help..

we don't have a professional cleaning service, so every saturday morning a bunch of members will clean.... i was on that crew for a few years before i started working nights again

This why I love the smaller community churches. It's like an extended family. Kinda like my church back home. My church is over 100 years old. Generational type members.

Mega churches do nothing for me. I like a pastor who has that personal connect with their members.
Born & raised in church. Some of my fondest memories was activities we did in church. My Dad is a deacon. Haven't been since last year...but I know I need to go.

One of my biggest gripes I have with the church tho...

- hypocrisy
- part time Christians
- crooked pastors
- judgemental Christians

I despise the fact that people pick & choose parts of the Bible to push whateva unjust agenda they have.

I despise folks in any religion trying to "force" people to accept their religion. As if their religion is the "true" religion people should follow, and all the others are false.

I despise folks who seriously believe Islam is the only religion that has extremist, and a violent history. Yet turn a blind eye to Christianity's violent history like the Crusades. The Catholic church getting exposed.

I've had issues wit "man" and their intentions preaching the Word of God. Especially when they get a lil power.

^What he said.

Not gonna lie tho. I did get kick outta the seasoned saints gossiping bout EVERYBODY after church.

Lilith is an extremely controversial figure within Jewish folklore. Lilith's name is not included in the creation story of the Torah but she appears in several midrashic texts. Her symbolism, history and literature are debated among Jewish scholars, feminists and other intellectuals. There are multiple origin stories for Lilith but the most popular history told views Lilith as the first wife of Adam. According to the "first Eve" story Lilith was created by God from dust and placed to live in the garden with Adam until problems arose between Adam and Lilith when Adam tried to exercise dominance over Lilith. One story tells that Lilith refused to lay beneath Adam during sex. She believed they were created equal, both from the dust of the earth, thus she should not have to lay beneath him. After Adam disagreed, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden to gain her independence. Adam told God that Lilith had left and God sent three angels, Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof, to retrieve her. The three angels found Lilith in a cave bearing children but Lilith refused to come back to the garden. The angels told her they would kill 100 of her children every day for her disobedience. In revenge, she is said to rob children of life and is responsible for the deaths of still-born infants and crib deaths (SIDS). Male children are at risk of Lilith's wrath for 8 days after birth (until circumcision) and girls are at risk for 20 days. Although Lilith stole children's lives in the night, she agreed not to kill the children who had amulets of either of the three angels.

After the angels' departure, Lilith tried to return to the garden but upon her arrival she discovered that Adam already had another mate, Eve. Out of revenge, Lilith had sex with Adam while he was sleeping and "stole his seed." With his seed she bears 'lilium,' earth-bound demons to replace her children killed by the angels. Lilith is also said to be responsible for males' erotic dreams and night emissions. Another theory says that Lilith is impregnated, thus creating more demons by masturbation and erotic dreams.

The History of Lilith
Although the figure of Lilith is commonly found in Jewish folklore and midrash, the origin of Lilith is as a Sumerian succubus. The first Jewish story of Lilith was told in the
Alphabet of ben sirah. Before the introduction of the Alphabet of ben sirah, Lilith was mostly seen as a demoness instead of the "first Eve". Due to the ambiguity of Lilith, she has been represented in multiple forms in both literature and art. Some theological scholars acknowledge Lilith as the "first Eve" while others still see her as a demoness. Historically in art, Lilith has been portrayed variously ranging from risqué versions to Lilith in the garden. To view some of these depictions click on pictures on the UPenn website on Lilith.

Lilith: a power symbol?
The open-ended nature of the Lilith symbol has allowed different groups to use her as a destructive female symbol or a symbol of female power. Many feminists see Lilith as not only the first woman but the first independent woman created. In the creation story she refuses to allow Adam to dominate her and flees the garden despite the consequences. In order to retain her freedom she must give up her children and in retaliation she steals the seed of Adam. In one account of this story, Lilith is said to "mount Adam" (
click here for this version).This version of the story implies that Lilith sexually violated Adam; however, other stories portray Lilith as a demoness who kills children and takes advantage of men while they are sleeping. Jewish halakhic law forbids the spilling of a man's seed and Lilith takes advantage of this, during masturbation and erotic dreams, and uses it to replenish her own offspring.

Although Lilith is controversial some feminists have used her as a symbol of empowerment. For example, one Jewish feminist magazine is called Lilith labels itself as an "Independent Jewish Woman's Magazine." The publishers use Lilith as a title because they believe she is a symbol of independence. However, those who still think of her as a demoness could turn it around and once again label feminists as male bashers or men-haters. They see Lilith as wicked and vengeful towards men and children. With any symbol or icon used by feminists, especially within a religious context, there will be controversy and opposition. Whether or not the story of Lilith is accurate is not the main issue. The "first Eve" version of the story gives Lilith a role that many women can identify within Judaism and other religious traditions. She is an independent woman who challenges the oppressive system in which she is placed. Stealing the lives of children represents a certain madness that accompanies her solitude and exclusion. Despite Lilith's downfalls, she still remains a symbol of power simply by her survival and mysteriousness. She is open for interpretation and therefore allows women to reinterpret her symbolism and power within the tradition.

Do you believe in reincarnation?
I think alot of folks dislike religion because they over did it. They made it so high so part of their everyday life that when it falters they react badly. Folks out here switching ideologies every few years.

You gotta learn about religion in a secular way and spritiual.
I think alot of folks dislike religion because they over did it. They made it so high so part of their everyday life that when it falters they react badly. Folks out here switching ideologies every few years.

You gotta learn about religion in a secular way and spritiual.


I know my understanding and growth in my faith increased when I started looking at the historical context of scripture as well as studying them with hebrew and greek translations.

People forget that scripture at the end of the day is a book of knowledge that must be understood carnally and spiritually...do one without the other and you are doing yourself a great disservice
almost responded but imma save the pint incase we finish our debate today