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Old ass pervert in my neighborhood


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So not too long ago, my older cousin calls me and she's venting about some shit that's been going on since she was young, but is starting to come out now.....

When she was younger like in her teens, she always thought her homegirls Dad (Mr. P) was very very touch feely......she ain't like that shit so she always stayed away from dude and kept her distance.....

this is back in the 80's my nigga.....

Well my cousin always stayed mad cool with her home girl, all her homegirl kids......and when i was a youngin i'd go over there house....I remember seeing Mr.P all the time......speak to him all the time... never thought much of him either way... that was just always my friend's grandfather.....As far as i was concerned Mr.P was just another old ass man....

Well....nothing can be further from the truth......Mr. P used to molest his daughters.....Heavy......and their daughters......heavy....... and even now today, he tries to, but his ass so old they just keep the kids away from him.....and now it's finally coming out.....

it's the newest generation, the ones i was cool with that's coming out with it, cuz they starting to have kids and they don't bring their kids...especially their daughters no where near dude....

and these latest generation, they play with the streets much more than the previous ones....at least 3 of mr.P's grand son's are certified bangers...they put work down....in all area.....yet....they got this molester grandfather in their family who still breathing.......

they all got stories of remembering dude pulling their sisters or cousins in the basement with him.....the flat out don't even let their kids out the car when they visit grandma.....and for a while it was just one of those family secrets...that just never came out....

now this is their family business for the most part.....but in the same light it's kinda crazy......cuz look at my thread title....

and now ask yourself this question...

If you knew there was a serial child molestor in your neighborhood .......what would you do?

Now I don't think this old man presents any danger to my family or anyone else in his family for that part cuz he always targeted the younger girls from like 8 on up......and the family has finally started talking about that, and they keep the young girls fro around him.....

but it don't look like no body has even entertained the idea pressing charges on dude......

I mean i think he like maybe early 70's now.....but still.... that's kinda buggy knowing dude all these year and never knew what was really going on.....

like...i strongly feel this is a "mind your business" type situation..... but still......this is the kinda topic that people have such an overbearing sense of justice on , it kinda makes you wonder if justice should be served, or if niggaz should just shrug it off cuz the family ain't doing nothing about it....

I asked my cousin had he ever done anything to her or anybody in our family, like her daughter....and she was like hell naw....she always felt like he was creepy and she never let her kids stay the night over there, she always made them come to her house...but she seems like she's ready to blow the whistle...

i kinda don't really know though........

how would yall handle it????
Me personally I couldn't live with myself if I knew a person was molesting kids and I did nothing. I would want somebody to blow the whistle if my kids were in danger.

As far as this situation it's going to be tough if nobody in that family comes forward to help the investigation and since they haven't turned him in yet the chances are they won't do it now.
Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph" H.I.M Haile Salassie
That man should have been dealt with a long time ago family or not.
Thing is, given how that family is, last thing that want is police at that house....

Some of the grands and great grands run in and out of there all day if you know what I mean.

Like if I'm home one day and wanted to grab something to get me right while I play video games, I'd walk over there and Holla for a minute
Thing is, given how that family is, last thing that want is police at that house....

Some of the grands and great grands run in and out of there all day if you know what I mean.

Like if I'm home one day and wanted to grab something to get me right while I play video games, I'd walk over there and Holla for a minute
No one would know he was gone.
Good thread bro.

So th fact that thos aint an isolated incident is a problem. And as much as I wanna say air dude out, i dont know if Here's why...

All of your Intel is based off of rhetoric at this point. And unless the actual victims are willing to come forward, it's a wrap.

Understand not wanting that threat in your vicinity, especially with young children. But honestly, what can you do?
Thing is,, only reason I made this thread is cuz I talked to my cousin about the Facebook killer, and she was like she wish that old man he shot was Mr p

To her the hate is real.... He raped her friends and their daughters... And she was calling all the men in the family bitches...

I'm just shaking my head, cuz these Niggaz got mad beef in the streets, but home looking bad
Listen I got family members that will eat bodies like Weebay on the wire. If we knew this was going on and for generations someone would have stepped up and dealt with it and one of the family soldiers would have just said it was them. When it came out all the children he had molested time would have been reduced and we could all hold our heads high. This is a family shame.
When I was young back home there was this guy that raped a girl. Before the police got to him his family said they put him on a boat and sent him to St. Kitts. My older cousins told me there was no boat to St. Kitts he is just gone.
Tough man. Nothing you can do unless the family is willing to press those charges.

If an outsider comes in and interferes, then they might feel some type of way. Turn on folks on some "This is family matter so mind your business" type deal for real. Shyt is delicate.
Unfortunately I think your cousin need to let this go, she has no proof and like others have said it's unlikely that the family members will step forward. It sucks that it happened to them but until the people who was molested file a report then nothing can be done.
There was a case like this in my family. People vilified the girl that reported it.
Just beat his old ass
I mean considering how long its been going on, and only knowing but so much....

It's purely assumption that he's never been beat up or hurt...

I just know he's not dead or in jail