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Official 2019-2020 NBA Thread

@Infamous114 @TheBoyRo @Beta

The question I have for Miami fans when Im looking at the stats is why are yall bottom of the league in turnover percentage?

Doesnt sound like something yall would have a problem with
Straight up sloppiness with the passing, sometimes overpassing. Some of it falls on dead ball TOs like carrying or traveling. Feels like we turn the ball over a good 20 times a game. Don't remember where we rank in pace
Straight up sloppiness with the passing, sometimes overpassing. Some of it falls on dead ball TOs like carrying or traveling. Feels like we turn the ball over a good 20 times a game. Don't remember where we rank in pace

Thats interesting that you said overpassing because yall are actually 2nd in assist percentage vs being 30th in turnover percentage so yall are definitely moving/passing the ball a lot.......Phoenix is 1st in assist percentage and 10th in turnover percentage
(Yall are 16th in pace Phoenix is 10th) I thought yall would be lower in pace due to Jimmy wanting to play in the half court more

You think thats an easy fix? And do you think Winslow being out will help that?