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Officer Slams Elderly Black Woman After Being Accused Of Shoplifting

Y’all ever used to watch that show “COPS”?

Or maybe one of these YouTube police body cam channels?

Y’all notice how nice and polite those cops are and how much restraint they use?

They would NEVER slam that old black woman to the ground on one of those shows…

Not because they don’t want to… It’s because they know they’re doing a tv show and they try to protect their image.

So they do everything by the book and make sure they treat everybody fair and don’t cross the line.

That video shows you how cops REALLY interact with the public.
Exhibit A:

Look at how nice, kind, compassionate and professional these cops act towards these BLACK suspects in this video…

Y’all know damn well they would not be interacting with these “criminals” in this fashion if their body cams were turned off and they weren’t being filmed for a YouTube channel.