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Officer Slams Elderly Black Woman After Being Accused Of Shoplifting

Y’all ever used to watch that show “COPS”?

Or maybe one of these YouTube police body cam channels?

Y’all notice how nice and polite those cops are and how much restraint they use?

They would NEVER slam that old black woman to the ground on one of those shows…

Not because they don’t want to… It’s because they know they’re doing a tv show and they try to protect their image.

So they do everything by the book and make sure they treat everybody fair and don’t cross the line.

That video shows you how cops REALLY interact with the public.

Incident happened on Saturday June 24 2023
We now need to hear the 911 call & what was reported
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Yeah, about the only good thing I can say about Lancaster is its better than some of those cities further to the north in the desert. Of course, that's not saying much.

Which do you think is worse: Lancaster or DHS? I know they're not in the same viscinity at all but when we were looking to possibly relocate to somewhere in Metro LA we were warned to stay clear of Lancaster/Palmdale to the north and DHS/North Palm Springs to the east 'cause meth is rampant in both areas.
Which do you think is worse: Lancaster or DHS? I know they're not in the same viscinity at all but when we were looking to possibly relocate to somewhere in Metro LA we were warned to stay clear of Lancaster/Palmdale to the north and DHS/North Palm Springs to the east 'cause meth is rampant in both areas.

Never been to DHS. I go to Lancaster for work at the base.

Palmdale isn't too bad though. I stopped staying in Lancaster and stay in Palmdale. It's a longer trip to work in the morning, but it's better in pretty much every way. They aren't far a part, but a little distance can make a big difference.
Sadly…this is a good answer most ain’t got the heart for unless they look like you
Just the fact that their info was public knowledge, and nothing ever happens to these motherfuckers be on the court room is starting to get on my fucking nerves

Granted, there’s no info on who he is but once that shit become public best believe it’s gonna be some Hatfields V McCoys
Ya'll remember when police got a call about a strange black man outside of a person's house and then responded by slamming that man to the ground and paralyzing them. Then it turned out, he wasn't actually black but was an Indian man visiting family, and then the police were really sorry. Not because they abused an elderly man for not good reason, but because they accidentally mistreated a nonblack person.

Good times in America.
Ya'll remember when police got a call about a strange black man outside of a person's house and then responded by slamming that man to the ground and paralyzing them. Then it turned out, he wasn't actually black but was an Indian man visiting family, and then the police were really sorry. Not because they abused an elderly man for not good reason, but because they accidentally mistreated a nonblack person.

Good times in America.
Yes, matter of fact, I graduated high school in that same town, Madison, Alabama.

Became an international incident

Never charged the officer.

He was from India, and didn’t speak a lick of English