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Officer Challenges People To Box, Backtracks When Boxers Accept

ROFL, Haney would have had dude head hurting like shit.

He small, so he might not have dropped him
.. But I say might... Cop chin could be garbage.... But either way, he would have looked dumb as hell in there with Haney.

Props for calling homie out
Dude don't even realize it, but it's now open season to fuck with him on the streets. That turnaround was reeeeal quick when some niggas actually said "aiight, let's go". Now all of a sudden he coppin pleas 'cause he knew he was gonna get fucked up. So now he's gonna get tested at every turn. Nigga workin' the drive thru gonna be like "Aiight, so that's a double quarter pounder, large fries, and one round of these hands in the parking lot?"