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Somebody just asked how old I am and I said "29" smooth as fuck

I wasnt even trying to lie, like that's a dumb thing to waste a lie on today....but it just came out

And idk why or how to feel about it lol
Funny u say this I recently told my gf i been feeling 29 for three years now

Sometimes i gotta stop n think about it when asked. Maybe in a couple yrs the 30s will register.
This probably off topic a little bit but chili cheese fritos can be substituted for supper on some nights
I'm 30 years old and it's all about your mindset I feel.. if your attitudes right, your age may increase numbers-wise, but that should be merely a minor thing that is a quote unquote "detriment".
I just left Target and spent 50 bucks. I’m pissed.

Dog food, two deodorants and Tylenol target brand.

Fucking deodorant was 11.99 a piece because my arms don’t like the cheap shit.
It's true.

For me...my mindset changed so much. You give less fuccs about petty bs, and focus more on things that's important to you.
I turned 30 late last month.. for me, a switch flipped and what you said is true it's crazy how things can be different once that switch is flipped
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