Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show!
I laced the thread, you rock the posts.
So far from hangin on the block for dough.
Goldie, they got to know that
Nothing right now. All my stuff is packed away. We got an xbox though.

When u unpack and get time u should hop on sometime, shit be wild when its a lot of us on

and if AP playing u dont even gotta worry about your performance, its like a 85-90% chance that u gonna do better than him
In the future can’t wait to see,
If you open up ABW for me.
Reminisce sometime!
The day you logged off my friend
Tried to black it out but it plays again.
I figured as much but uhhh...

aite... I'll check yall later. Hope errbody has a good night
I can’t say I miss him?. Maybe it’s the wrong song but I tried to reword it like he just needs to come on back to ABW. Not like he’s, ya know.
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