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Aight..so today, I come across an article speaking about Citi Group and Wells Fargo

Seems Citi Group was moving funds around..TRILLIONS of funds around. And you know its trillions cause they got a couple of digits wrong and inadvertently put a couple billion in some guys account.

That ain't the kicker..the guy waited a whole day and had to contact Wells Fargo before they noticed a couple billion wasn't where it should be.

It's not a big news story...yall niggaz better shore ya shit up and store food in a freezer, invest in a generator and some protection.

Fam..they moving so much money that they misplaced 2 billion..for reference..I have wells fargo, I dont spend money often and I have an alert to trigger when ever more than 100 dollars is spent at a time. If I go on a spending spree..their system so accurately knows my spending habits that anything out of the norm, triggers my card to shut down.

They missed placed billions and kept it moving...shore yo shit up..its about to be some shit

Future man has spoken

A lil more on that..some back story, citi group accidentally..fam..accidentally paid mufuckas they owed money to. Then sued the mufuckas to get the money back..a few days later after winning the lawsuit they accidentally put 2billy in someone account.

Now despite trillions of dollars being accidentally paid and misplaced. The stock market is as high as it's been since last year..

Meanwhile...you are lead to believe that shit Trump says or does causes drops in the stock market. But actual fucking money misplaced does nothing tho
Lol..seem like even he was like "aight"..at the dick riding..no homo (cam voice)
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Oh & FOH This Site ain't yo Diary Nigga
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