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So a mom deleted her 9 year old year long saved game because he overslept. I think it’s some asshole shit really. Like just take it away why delete the work? What y’all think

Terrible parenting

But, if he did it once, he can do it again

I can't even lie, mfs that drive up and over the crosswalk piss me off, too. It doesn't even look like one of those intersections where they needed to pull up to see incoming traffic. In a rush to go nowhere, one day I'm going to have all the time in the world and just stand in front of the car like the tiananmen square dude.
Creatures of habit and children at that age still need a good amount of hours to sleep to be optimal

I don't wanna read no "well I stayed up late when I was that age and I turned out fine"

Lemme stop you right here, you didn't
It's these kids summer vacation, yea they got it extra early this year so let them be. As long as when he wake up he do his chores or whatever so let him get his rest
It's these kids summer vacation, yea they got it extra early this year so let them be. As long as when he wake up he do his chores or whatever so let him get his rest

AP hit the nail on the head. My kids wake up at 9. School work started by 10. Outside by 2.

So a mom deleted her 9 year old year long saved game because he overslept. I think it’s some asshole shit really. Like just take it away why delete the work? What y’all think

Yeah shes a clown. Instead of trying to expand on that shit she took it away. He could be trying to play fortnite you took away minecraft.
Him waking up on time isn't what's most important to her so why take the thing he's most interested in to prove a point?
Its worst fucking things a kid could be doing in a pandemic. Like why not just stop at taking computer privileges away? She wanted to hurt that boy.

Are you taking time to help him study? Read, teach him anything? Does he have online schooling he's missing. How are you filling the time?

She's a clown. And is obviously desperate for attention.

AP hit the nail on the head. My kids wake up at 9. School work started by 10. Outside by 2.
Outside by 2 to only have what 4 or 5 hours before it's time to come in. Y'all the WOAT parents. Stop having these kids on the clock when they don't have to be, they get enough of that when they have to be in school
Outside by 2 to only have what 4 or 5 hours before it's time to come in. Y'all the WOAT parents. Stop having these kids on the clock when they don't have to be, they get enough of that when they have to be in school
By 2, which means if they finish they school work before then, they can go out early.

How you harping about how much time they outside when you cool with ya kids waking up at 5 in the afternoon?

Shut up man
By 2, which means if they finish they school work before then, they can go out early.

How you harping about how much time they outside when you cool with ya kids waking up at 5 in the afternoon?

Shut up man
Just do your chores and I'm straight, do what you want whenever you're done. Stop being a drill sergeant and lighten up
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