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I had a feeling it was going to be a Ryzen build, AMD is killing it these days. If you remember, let me know how that 1060 works out. I've been going back and forth on whether I want to splurge or just be practical when it comes to my next gpu. I've been playing at 1080p for the longest time and I find it just gets the job done perfectly. Plus, honestly most of the games I play these days aren't demanding enough to warrant a $400+ card or something.
calling all tech nerds

I have an iP7

it’s been dropped a few times... I can deal w the cracked screen, idc about the cosmetic of it... but after dropping it a few times, can it affect battery life? my phone battery drains in an hour of usage and charges really fast... legit just told me 20% just as I started typing this and it’s already now @9%

this is ridiculous... so if I replace the battery, I should be good?
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