send me a pm naming the harasser..
it will be looked into..
if it turns u to be a hit, you'll get your money
the mods will determine the next course of action...
that's the best answer you're gonna get.
if you don't like it, that's your problem and your problem alone..
we can't respond to shit niggaz won't tell us for whatever their little reasons are..
if you['re okay with woman being harassed, and you have the power to attempt to put a stop to it, but refuse because you feel the mods won't do shit....
that's again your issue..
but I can assure you, freeman got his money, it was taken to the table, and we handled it the best way we see fit...
and for the third time, if that doesn't satisfy you....personally.....that's your problem...
so again I ask you... do you have anything to tell us? feel free to pm any mod, or even goldie if you feel most confident in him... but if you know of members being harassed and won't tell us, then there's nothing we can do about it