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Breaking News NYT Publishes Anonymous Op-Ed From Top Admin Staffer Working To Thwart Trump’s Worst Moves

She'll still wind up behind bars fot treason

I think it depends on who the next administration is. I still feel like George Bush, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and a host of other motherfuckers should be in jail for treason for lying us into the Iraq war but nobody really wants the headache and the optics of prosecuting their political enemies in this country eg: there are still people chanting about "lock her up" for Clinton but it's clearly never going to happen and never was.

And then you gotta figure that there is a good chance that Trump (probably unwittingly since he's an idiot) colluded with Russia to get elected so can you be treasonous against an illegitimate president? I think whoever wrote it did it in a way where they can either lay low or try to finesse some kudos depending on how this all shakes out.
For those of you attacking the writer, don't we want people with some kind of moral compass on the inside? Why should this person out themselves or outright quit? They're no American hero because they were part of getting this man in office. But I commend them for realizing just how bad they screwed the pooch and doing what they can to prevent this maniac from doing his worst.

I'll let Obama say it...

“They’re not doing us a service by actively promoting 90 percent of the crazy stuff that’s coming out of this White House and then saying, ‘Don’t worry, we’re preventing the other 10 percent,’” Obama said. “That’s not how things are supposed to work. This is not normal.”
I'll let Obama say it...

I didn't see in the op-ed where America was told not to worry because of what they're doing behind the scenes. The writer sounded worried their damn self.

I'd personally rather have some people on the inside doing something over nothing. I stated that this person isn't a hero. But I commend them for having at least a shred of decency and trying to stop the worst from happening.

Omarosa Says ‘Silent Army’ in Trump Admin Used #TFA for 25th Amendment ‘A Lot’: ‘I Have Those Texts’

Omarosa Manigault appeared on MSNBC again on Sunday to discuss Donald Trump and the anonymous New York Times op-ed author, and said that the idea of invoking the 25th Amendment came up so often among those who work at the White House that they had a hashtag for it: #TFA. And she says she has the texts to prove it.

Host Alex Witt played a clip of Vice President Mike Pence denying earlier on Fox News Sunday that anyone was discussing invoking the 25th amendment to “remove the president from office.”

After the clip, Witt asked Omarosa the same question. “Were you ever in meetings where the topic of the 25th amendment being invoked was brought up?”

“You know, we had a little hashtag, hashtag #TFA,” Omarosa replied. “Which, you know, now that I think about it, I’m a little embarrassed to tell you how often when I went through my text chain from the White House I saw the hashtag #TFA, 25th amendment.”

“Whenever he did something that was just so insane, and so crazy and unhinged, when he would flip positions from one half hour to the next, we would just hashtag it #TFA and keep moving,” she said.

“who would be aware of this?” Witt asked.

“If you work in proximity with Donald Trump and you provide a decision memo for him, then these are individuals who know that something very, very strange is going on with the president of the United States,” Omarosa answered.”Everyone who works in those positions — that’s why the definition about senior staff is so key. If you have an opportunity to brief him, advise him, or provide any guidance to the president of the United States, that person is considered senior staff.”

“And I hate to admit it, but that was kind of a hashtag that went around a lot at the White House,” she added.

Witt asked her if it was in just in texts, or also in emails.

“I can tell you that it occurred in my text chains with family members, with staffers, with people who in the agencies more than 100 times,” she said. “And I have those text chains. At the time it was kind of a way that we coped, but now it’s not funny, you know, the fact that that was something that was discussed.”

She also contradicted those who say the person who wrote the anonymous op-ed should be worried about coming out, noting that scrutiny and retribution would both be intense.

“They inspected our phones,” said Omarosa, who secretly recorded conversations with her phone. “They violated our privacy in that way.”

“I would fear for this person coming forward,” she added. “Unless they declare whistle-blower protections, that’d be very dangerous, because Donald Trump and his crew will not stop until they destroy this person.”