Welcome To aBlackWeb

Now that the dust has settled...I love mods and they love me.

I get banned from a thread for saying I would smash a 17year old if she had womanly features? 17 is legal in my country but I get labelled a pedo then banned from the thread with no chance of defending myself? you guys are actually pussy and mod with nothing but feelings..if this is how you are online then your real life must be pathetic.
You trying too hard bruh that thread sounds creepy as fuck
it'd be one thing if this site was mainly used by niggas in their early 20s debating getting with a 19 year old but it's predominately men who are 30 and up talking like the age of consent is the only thing stopping them from getting with folks who could be their biological kids. that thread is sickening and shows what we're working with.
I don't go in threads where the topic doesn't interest me but from the title the whole thread should have been wiped out but it wasn't.
No the subject was fine

The answers were not, well some of them

If I'm talking to my boys that are my age, there is nothing wrong with asking how young is he willing to date a chick

If he saying mid 20s, cool... If he saying 17, me and this nigga not gonna be friends. Simple as that
No the subject was fine

The answers were not, well some of them

If I'm talking to my boys that are my age, there is nothing wrong with asking how young is he willing to date a chick

If he saying mid 20s, cool... If he saying 17, me and this nigga not gonna be friends. Simple as that

You've seen this same topic get discussed and it always take that turn, nip it early and be done with it
Sir, here in America, the greatest country in the world, the age of consent is 18 and should be a universal law! You follow the rules!!
SMH @ 17 with womenly features. FOH They did there job...


No the subject was fine

The answers were not, well some of them

If I'm talking to my boys that are my age, there is nothing wrong with asking how young is he willing to date a chick

If he saying mid 20s, cool... If he saying 17, me and this nigga not gonna be friends. Simple as that
the ones creating the threads are likely doing it because it's always on their minds.
Those threads ALWAYS lead to fuck shit.
bcuz of who they attract, imo
Let me say, the reason why we have the ability to ban members from threads is so that they don’t take dangerous detours like they have in the past. Like AP said, the subject is fine. However two possible comedians/jackasses ain’t gonna control the narrative of the thread. And that goes for any thread. Some shit won’t be joked about (that beating women thread getting scoured today)

Now @Preach2Teach, if the hill you wanna die on is defending fucking 17yo’s, hypothetically or not, then by all means word your reply to this post indicating such

I promise we won’t be having a trial for your return when I remove you from the site.

of course a white guy made this. don't you have a child too?

I have children and can see the point of view why people would not like my comment...but to label me as a pedo then ban me from the thread? and this has nothing to do wit race you don't think a black guy would mess with an 18 year old if she was sexy as fuck?
Let me say, they reason why we have the ability to ban members from threads is so that they don’t take dangerous detours like they have in the past. Like AP said, the subject is fine. However two possible comedians/jackasses ain’t gonna control the narrative of the thread. And that goes for any thread. Some shit won’t be joked about (that beating women thread getting scoured today)

Now @Preach2Teach, if the hill you wanna die on is defending fucking 17yo’s, hypothetically or not, then by all means word your reply to this post indicating such

I promise we won’t be having a trial for your return when I remove you from the site.


I am ready to die on this hill and fear no bans in the name of the TRUTH!

If I get banned then it will be this sites loss not mine, I am one of the realest posters on here and always speak my mind good or bad...you don't think there are forums out there who would love a guy like me and my tales of masturbation and fake dinosaurs?

I can see where you are coming from with the guy who said old enough to bleed old enough to breed but to tie us with the same brush is just wrong.