Eric Holder doesn’t want the transcripts from the grand jury hearing in the Nipsey Hussle murder case to be made public.
According to the Los Angeles Times, a judge denied the demands of the alleged killer’s lawyer Lowynn Young, who was arguing to keep the documents sealed, on June 27. The public defender felt the release of the transcripts would cause public opinion to jeopardize her client’s right to a fair trial.
The transcripts document the May 9 decision by a 23-member grand jury panel to indict Holder on one count of murder, two counts each of attempted murder and assault with a firearm, and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon. He pleaded not guilty.
The Times’ legal team looked into Holder’s filing and determined his evidence to keep the court transcripts sealed were lacking.
Holder remains behind bars as he awaits trial with bail set at $6.5 million. He’s reportedly due back in court later this month.