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Nicki Minaj's boyfriend arrested for not registering as a sex offender

Court records show he was convicted of first-degree attempted rape in April 1995. He was 16 at the time, and so was his victim.

Prosecutors said he used a sharp object when he tried to force the girl to have sexual intercourse. Petty served almost 4 years in NY state prison for the crime.

Nicki's husband and brother finally meeting in prison
Nicki says he was 15 when the alleged rape happened. He also had a manslaughter charge where he spent a few years locked up. I mean... I dunno. Normal women do this type of shit every day. Celebrities ain’t exempt from getting with trash ass niggas.
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Straight comedy: chick really wanted to be Lil Kim 2.0 right down to the horrible taste in men. This is the saddest, struggle bus shit. Safaree/Meek didn't marry her and she felt that clock despite all that success and jumped on the first half good stroke that would. The world is a funny ass place.