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NFC CHAMPIONSHIP: New Orleans Saints ain't walking through that door v. LA Rams

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And that ref is good as gone

League sources are saying that nigga is done
If you do that why not start back where Goff got facemasked and they get 1st and Goal from the 1 a couple mins earlier. With a chance to take lead instead of tie late?
Did they score on that drive?
They got 3 instead of potentially 7. 4 point swing

Y’all would then be driving for a TD instead of Fg or TD to win
Let's say for the sake of argument I'll agree with you

Again, going game speed I can see how that call was missed.

My point is still going to be this call had two officials. One in the front of the play, one on the backside. They both missed an obvious push, nah, tackle on a receiver while the ball was in flight

That missed facemask ain't got shit on this play and nothing you say will make them comparable. Just stop fam
Let's say for the sake of argument I'll agree with you

Again, going game speed I can see how that call was missed.

My point is still going to be this call had two officials. One in the front of the play, one on the backside. They both missed an obvious push, nah, tackle on a receiver while the ball was in flight

That missed facemask ain't got shit on this play and nothing you say will make them comparable. Just stop fam

The fact is both calls were missed on the field. Refs admitted they missed the call. The issue would be if you did that play over injunction the Rams would say hey you missed this call too. And it’s just as important, not as egregious but just as important on how the game ends. And looking back we can all admit that would be reversed as well with replay.

I’m not saying y’all call isn’t more egregious it is, but the replay the game thing wouldn’t just start where the Saints want it to start. If it did Rams would argue their point and it would have to start there.

This would never happen anyway because then teams would be calling for injunctions multiple times a year.
The fact is both calls were missed on the field. Refs admitted they missed the call. The issue would be if you did that play over injunction the Rams would say hey you missed this call too. And it’s just as important, not as egregious but just as important on how the game ends. And looking back we can all admit that would be reversed as well with replay.

I’m not saying y’all call isn’t more egregious it is, but the replay the game thing wouldn’t just start where the Saints want it to start. If it did Rams would argue their point and it would have to start there.

This would never happen anyway because then teams would be calling for injunctions multiple times a year.
This is a strange hill you've chosen to stand on

Why not go back to a missed hold on an OL in the first quarter using your logic
This is a strange hill you've chosen to stand on

Why not go back to a missed hold on an OL in the first quarter using your logic

That's what he's saying, you give the Saints a play back then you're opening a big can of worms where every missed penalty teams will be calling for a do over. Saints got hosed but that's the nature of the game sometimes
Theres missed calls in every game it just happens. But that missed PI is some devastating shit. I mean yea game is over n the other team advances but just dont sit right that it ended like that n i really didnt give a shit who won either way.

Needs to be some rules changing even tho the damage is already done and cant take back that ending. Same with Pats being able to win OT without kc getting a shot.
That's what he's saying, you give the Saints a play back then you're opening a big can of worms where every missed penalty teams will be calling for a do over. Saints got hosed but that's the nature of the game sometimes
Well obviously I know whatever power the commissioner has, he's not going to exercise just for this game

I just thought it was interesting it even exists when there, to my knowledge, there hasn't been a game since the merger that has called for him to do so
This is a strange hill you've chosen to stand on

Why not go back to a missed hold on an OL in the first quarter using your logic

Dog that was at 5:03 in the 4th quarter. If they go up 24-20 instead of tie 20-20 with 5> mins it’s a different end of the game.

What are you talking about 1st quarter?

All of this was late game missed calls that had an impact on the end of the game. Saints maybe go down and get a TD that next series as time expires and win. The possibilities is endless for either team to win at that point.
Yeah, we not gonna agree on this one fam

But that's ok

The refs acknowledged the fuck up

The DB did

The league did

But none of this helps the saints today
Was last night more egregious or was the phantom PI call against the Hurricanes in the '03 Championship Game

Still tight

Read something this morning that the NFL actually has language they are trying to change that, as it exists now, goodell could basically make both teams take the field again, put the time back on the clock, and replay the down.

They not gonna do that, but that's wild
That rule has been there for years but they will never do it because it would fuck up the money
If you do that why not start back where Goff got facemasked and they get 1st and Goal from the 1 a couple mins earlier. With a chance to take lead instead of tie late?

..and this is why they’d never do some shit like that. You can make an argument for any and all reasons to restart games. The Saints got screwed but it’s not the first time refs done it and it won’t be the last. Hopefully they make it back next year cuz they were my pick to win it all.
So your sating because they didn't score a td in the second half, they can't drive down the field one last time and try to score. Fuck it end of game no more tries. WHAT.......
Dickerson and Sharpe explain exactly what happened.

Blown call obviously but Rams out played Saints, which is why the Saints lost.
If you do that why not start back where Goff got facemasked and they get 1st and Goal from the 1 a couple mins earlier. With a chance to take lead instead of tie late?

They missed personal fouls when Brees got hit in the head on throws and multiple PIs that wasn’t called on them.