Here are the payouts and take aways for the day:
Playmaker88: (bet 15k) + won 500k (bet on even)= +485k
VIBE: (bet 1 mil) + won 0 = -1 mil
808HiLife: (bet 65k)+ won 1 mil (closest number) = +935k
SuperiorPosterior: (bet 50k) + won 0 = -50k
Herbalvaporcapers: (bet 3.5 mil)+ won 75 mil (bet on even & furthest number) = 71.5 mil
Once again thanks to our dedicated banker
@AP21 for keeping things flowing.
Tomorrow, the poster who bets the highest amount for the day will play for a chance at 500x their highest bet. Bring your wallets and leave your feelings & regrets behind!