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Ne-Yo condemns parents who let kids transition genders.

We spending way too much time worrying bout a topic that impacts less than a few hundred people a year. I mean here and in society in general.

I remember the total number of surgeries for transitioning for kids under 18 per year is less than a few hundred.

On the other hand, Supreme Court taking away any and all rights that they can that impacts millions.

The game is being played right in front of our eyes.
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Day 3 of being “back”. Meh. I need to be ‘back’ in the bed.

Here’s the issue.

I’m glad HE decided to speak for himself, and circumvented his publicist to tell you what HE thinks. Good for him. Herein lies the issue:

Once again, the Alphabet Mobb has decided to demonize a man based on how he parents. Stop throwing that word “transphobic” around when there was no evidence of it. Just cause he doesn’t fit THEIR narrative, doesn’t mean he hates them. He doesn’t. He just doesn’t care about what they think (and he shouldn’t), and won’t let HIS kids make that big of a decision at such a young age.

Also: once again, the right-wing pundits and douches have used Ne-Yo as a shield and sword against the Alphabet Mobb, which is EQUALLY PROBLEMATIC. Just cause Ne-Yo doesn’t agree with the Mobb doesn’t give those zealots ammo against the Alphabet Mobb. That makes them all more dishonest, disingenuous, and outright more disgusting than anything the Alphabet Mobb could pull. Trash humans.

Point: people need to get REAL context and stop labeling people, on ALL sides. ALL y’all look real doofy-like today. Let Ne-Yo exist in peace, B.
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Day 3 of being “back”. Meh. I need to be ‘back’ in the bed.
Here’s the issue. I’m glad HE decided to speak for himself, and circumvented his publicist to tell you what HE thinks. Good for him. Herein lies the issue:

Once again, the Alphabet Mobb has decided to demonize a man based on how he parents. Stop throwing that word “transphobic” around when there was no evidence of it. Just cause he doesn’t fit THEIR narrative, doesn’t mean he hates them. He doesn’t. He just doesn’t care about what they think (and he shouldn’t), and won’t let HIS kids make that big of a decision at such a young age.

Also: once again, the right-wing pundits and douches have used Ne-Yo as a shield and sword against the Alphabet Mobb, which is EQUALLY PROBLEMATIC. Just cause Ne-Yo doesn’t agree with the Mobb doesn’t give those zealots ammo against the Alphabet Mobb. That makes them all more dishonest, disingenuous, and outright more disgusting than anything the Alphabet Mobb could pull. Trash humans.

Point: people need to get REAL context and stop labeling people, on ALL sides. ALL y’all look real doofy-like today. Let Ne-Yo exist in peace, B.

He is only a parent of his own kids. He can question how other parents raise their kids all he wants. It's still none of his fucking business.
We spending way too much time worrying bout a topic that impacts less than a few hundred people a year. I mean here and in society in general.

I remember the total number of surgeries for transitioning for kids under 18 per year is less than a few hundred.

On the other hand, Supreme Court taking away any and all rights that they can that impacts millions.

The game is being played right in front of our eyes.

The way people talk about it you'd think there's a waiting list for kids to do this. You tell people the actual number and that it's not this huge movement they keep falling for and they still won't admit they've been duped
The way people talk about it you'd think there's a waiting list for kids to do this. You tell people the actual number and that it's not this huge movement they keep falling for and they still won't admit they've been duped
yea man. And im not even taking a side on if its right or wrong.

Only point is we spending mad energy arguing for or against what around 200-300 people might do

All the while the Supreme Court removed almost all Climate Change regulations when its 68 degrees in Jersey in August and 150 degrees in Asia and that shit impacting millions and soon to be billions.
yea man. And im not even taking a side on if its right or wrong.

Only point is we spending mad energy arguing for or against what around 200-300 people might do

All the while the Supreme Court removed almost all Climate Change regulations when its 68 degrees in Jersey in August and 150 degrees in Asia and that shit impacting millions and soon to be billions.

It's fucking hilarious to see the same group of people who are anti trans women anything, trans men barely exist in this dialogue, in favor of "supporting women's rights" also supporting striping women of their rights through laws that are also being fought over.