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NBA player Anthony Edwards (Ant Man) wires $100,000 to IG chick to get an abortion and seems she did not get the abortion done


Lol exactly.

Dudes ain't gonna be honest that they went to the shorty that got checked every 3 months, and had all the birth control pills in the world because she loved nothing more than getting filled up.

Every man that claims to love pussy so much, have found a couple of joints like that and was at the same time, terrified and exhilarated.

1. You hoped you ain't catch some shit.
2. You hoped if she did end up pregnant, it wasn't yours.

But we ain't gonna talk about that part because apparently it's the 1950s still and we ain't supposed to be blasting off in women that we don't love and don't wanna have a baby with lol.

I've bartered with God and Lucifer himself that I rather have the clap than a damn baby.
No, it's about what are you actually accountable for and what do you actually control.

Men just are stuck in the 50s with their backwards thinking about sex and their responsibility to women and children.

Women have decided that they should be able to unilaterally prevent a child being born while at the same time, being able to decide whether or not the man should be financially responsible...

And the response to that from other men is...

"Get a vasectomy."

"Use a condom."

Or even better...

"Just don't have sex."

There are men that are fathers due to broken condoms.

There are men that are fathers due to failed vasectomies.

Just like there are women that are mothers due to failed birth control.

But women didn't just sit there and think, "I am going to be accountable and succumb to my fate. I should've used a condom just in case."

No, they gonna get a fucking abortion. They were willing to travel across state lines, go in back alleys and die for an abortion.

Because women like raw sex, like getting their walls painted, and they aren't gonna let the spectre motherhood stop them.

Lol, on the flip side, men risking fatherhood for some pussy lol. Can't even nut in some shit without the paranoia. Men out here pulling out with a condom on. Doing kegel exercises, tryna learn how to hold it in for the extra pumps.

I should've been born a bad bitch, I would've gotten further ahead in life lol. The morality of men is stifling.

Didn’t read, but…

Dudes ain't gonna be honest that they went to the shorty that got checked every 3 months, and had all the birth control pills in the world because she loved nothing more than getting filled up.
I love those women
I love those women


I see it like this.

It's about to be 2024.

If a woman can turn a baby into medical waste.

A man should be able to disown and disinherit a child if he isn't in a long-term monogamous relationship with its mother. A man shouldn't have to pressure a woman to prevent fatherhood. She should be able to choose freely.

Let's make bastards a thing again.

Child support should be for babies born in wedlock, between a man and woman that had a established a loving relationship. Not for motherfuckers that just wanna nut.

Lol, a man shouldn't have to find the buss down that everyone knows to keep Plan B and abortion pills on deck to nut in. And it's like an 85 percent chance she won't keep it.

Women like that are rare and provide service to the community.

God bless 'em.