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Breaking News Multiple deaths at Travis Scott Astroworld Concert

When the story dropped on reddit, if you scroll through the comments, there are quite a few people sharing stories of them going to big concerts, things similarly happening and the band or act stopping the show until its resolved. Only explanation for Travis not stopping the show when he sees all this, is he didnt really care.

On stage with lights in your face, you cant and wont see everything, but you damn sure can see the crowd surge and will eventually look around and notice people getting crushed against the fence in front of you.
People also saying LiveNation a big part of why this happened too. Said they're owned by ClearChannel and are buying everything then cutting costs, even if its for safety.

It was a Live Nation event. they have started really cutting corners. I just went to a Live Nation festival a few weeks ago and they were under serious criticism because it was a similar situation of overcrowding and they did not offer free water ANYWHERE at the event. if you wanted water, you had to purchase an $8 can of “liquid death”. it was bizarre. I honestly think Live Nation is out for blood, there’s no other explanation for this kind of negligence

Another LiveNation festival. They're becoming the Ticketmaster of music festivals. Buying the rights or negotiating their way into putting on these festivals and then cutting costs by making deals with companies like Liquid Death canned water and then over selling the venues.

Been to a few festivals they've put on that were fine in past years before LiveNation got involved, but once they were involved it definitely felt more commercialized. Railbird specifically stands out. They made everyone pour their water out at the gate due to some dumb contract they signed with Liquid Death canned water and assured everyone that there would be free water filling stations inside. There were three water stations for 30,000 people. The lines to get water were longer than the lines to get beer and the lines to get beer were at least an hour long. Food vendors were prohibited from selling drinks. People were passing out in line due to dehydration because it was close to 100 degrees in mid August. Then they ran out of the canned water they were selling and the panic really set in for people who had been waiting for an hour to get some and were watching people drop like flies around them from heat exhaustion. I'm not sure how they didn't get sued for that and I'm not sure how they don't get sued for this.
Engineer at the studio just hit me up like this may be the end of Travis Scott the rapper. He may have to go away and rebrand himself as Travis Scott the producer
In all seriousness, Travis Scott whole brand is being all "mysterious" in photos and the public eye, while being a raging psychedelic outlaw who create connections with misunderstood loyal fans who are looking for escape routes to "Rage". His concerts and festivals are honestly like 70 percent of his brand, and it's where he lets loose.

His whole rockstar persona takes a massive hit if their are major restrictions on any future concerts he gets the luxury doing again because the whole wave of being a Travis Scott fan or attending his events is to go crazy and be a rebellious Hypebeast. Travis encouraged this behavior because he knew it would work since old white rock bands been doing it for ages, on top of that alot of young impressionable teens emotionally stalled out due to deep disconnections of social opportunities due to social media being the major platform for them to connect.

All of this shit was recipe for disaster, and sadly was bound to happen. From Travis years of encouraging fights, ignoring security, rewarding fans for putting their bodies in extreme harm to impress their "idol". Anyone speaking about the lack of empathy from folks there, to the energy, etc Travis Scott brand created a perfect opportunity for youngings to let loose, rage, and feel alive for this "one moment" in their young lives where they may feel alive, regardless of the next person around them potentially well being.

Tbh, I don't know how he comes back from this from artistic standpoint, because his whole brand has been exposed for what it so appealing. Without his rage concerts, Travis Scott is just another auto tune club artist.
Shoulda posted it in here

Im not scrollin that far

Tryn figure out what he could possibly post a dead fan for
I never saw the appeal of going to a festival anyway. Thousands upon thousands of ppl and all it takes is 1 to change the flow of the entire event. Security outmatched and outnumbered. Alcohol + whatever drugs going around mixed in with ppl pushing and jumping around and shit. Hell nah.

RIP to those that lost their lives and quick recovery to those injured.