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OPINION Mt. Rushmore Vol. 1 (Denzel Washington)

4 best Denzel movies?

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Hater Hearst Helmsley

iight so this is gonna be a series of threads where I come with a different theme and y’all pick the 4 best answers in your opinion.

We’re gonna start this off with the GOAT Denzel Washington. In your opinion, what are his 4 best movies?

If you pick other for a choice post what movie(s) is/are your choices.

I think that movie is overrated

People was just in awe because it was the first time Denzel was the villain so people going to always hold that movie in high regard.

It's not a top 4 Denzel movie
People was just in awe because it was the first time Denzel was the villain so people going to always hold that movie in high regard.

It's not a top 4 Denzel movie

Training Day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Remember The Titans

And this from someone who went to GW and folks that went to TC.
Training Day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Remember The Titans

And this from someone who went to GW and folks that went to TC.

Remember The Titans, Malcolm X, Glory, John Q, American Gangster and a few others every time I come across them on tv I'll watch no matter. I've only seen Training Day about 3 times since it was released, it wasn't a bad movie but if it never came on again I wouldn't complain.
Malcolm X (top 5 movie of alltime)
Training Day
Hurricane (slept on heavily)

I gotta think on the 4th
my other selection was Book of Eli