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Moving Out Of The Hood

Are Blacks Who Move Out of the Hood Sell-Outs?

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I moved outta the hood for self preservation. Nothin to do there but get caught up in some bullshit. I do feel that if you’re at a certain point, even if it means volunteering at a rec center or something. Give back.
I get the thought process behind staying and making a difference.

At the same time, I grew up on the eastside of Detroit. Soon as I started showing signs of success, niggaz started breaking into my cars and shit. I had to leave before I killed somebody.
Me and @Race Jones had a debate about this early last year and I saw @King Du talk about how blacks should stay in the hood after they get enough money to move to the burbs. I disagree with both.

Are blacks who move out the hood sell outs?​

I dont think they sellouts at all. Access to resources is everything. Buuuuut i think a person is a sellout if they shit on any and everybody after they leave.

Race and Du got a point that if more blacks stayed in the hood once they got money and built it up the hood wouldnt be lacking. But how you convince people to take the time to do that? American culture is always about getting money and upgrading and how do you reverse a whole culture around? It wouldnt be quick.
Fuck the hood like 50 said, it all comes down to what you define as the hood tho, if it's a shit place to live and you get the money to leave then why not? but if you like it why not stay? give me the money and I'm GONE but I will visit from time to time.
Stay, buy up the property and help the ailing.

I don't blame a person for moving to the burbs. There's better schools, roads, facilities etc. However you become "The Blac Neighbor". White folk gonna put their shit up for sale soon as you move in. Your kids gonna deal with being the Niggers at school. Constantly dealing with ppl who are jealous that you are on their level, yet you're Blac.

We have a stigma of chasing the White man's leftovers versus creating our own oasis. We get money, move out to the burbs, the White man moves father away. Then the White man buys up what was once the hood for pennies, and turns it into a desirable, expensive place, and we get mad and think, Damn why didn't I do that.

Stay with your ppl, buy the bloc, invest, employ and teach your ppl.

Yall don't got any black non hood areas where you stay?
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Stay, buy up the property and help the ailing.

I don't blame a person for moving to the burbs. There's better schools, roads, facilities etc. However you become "The Blac Neighbor". White folk gonna put their shit up for sale soon as you move in. Your kids gonna deal with being the Niggers at school. Constantly dealing with ppl who are jealous that you are on their level, yet you're Blac.

We have a stigma of chasing the White man's leftovers versus creating our own oasis. We get money, move out to the burbs, the White man moves father away. Then the White man buys up what was once the hood for pennies, and turns it into a desirable, expensive place, and we get mad and think, Damn why didn't I do that.

Stay with your ppl, buy the bloc, invest, employ and teach your ppl.

I have no problems with moving out, but this post is what also needs to be done when you do leave. Provided you got the money.
I have no problems with moving out, but this post is what also needs to be done when you do leave. Provided you got the money.
Appreciate that Recap.

I understand the point of some saying thatbppl gonna get jealous and rob, you face the same opposition in the burbs.

It does take perseverance and grit to keep wealth in the hood, but it can be done. If you are sharing your knowledge and doing forths community, you are less likely to be hit for a lic than someone who is not giving back. I get the fact that you don't owe it to anyone to help them out, but that is what's wrong with our culture. Other cultures thrive because they stic together. We need more Harriet Tubmans.

Ppl in the hood look for hope, any glimmer and it can drive them. It doesn't take an athlete,politician, or entertainer to do this, just take the money, invest it in the neighborhood, employ the ppl and watch it reciprocate.
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A non ghetto answer:

I don’t think someone who moves out the hood is a sellout. Some people want to live other places. My mom grew up so damn poor and now lives in the burbs(where I grew up). However, what I think makes someone a sellout is if you don’t go back to the hood and do stuff for the community or move out the hood and shit on mfs who are in the hood.

Don’t forget where the fuck you came from.
The bottom line:

We need more Black community.

Not just areas where black folk live. We need sure enough black community settings.

We need communities where everybody knows everybody, and their families.

Where the school boards are full with local members. The neighborhoods have a council and committee. Community centers, safe play grounds. Own the business in the area. Participate in local politics on a much now visable level.

Make a functional black community the norm.

All this shit is very very very doable.

I say the hood because it's the easiest place to start. Many folk who already there recognize the need for change. Especially the property owners.

And that's how you start. Niggaz been flipping houses, but they renting them shits. We need more home owners and less renters.

We need them stores and them shopping centers.b we need them malls.

We need all that shit. Cuz when it's ours and it's visible, it sets the stage for the next generation.

The most attractive thing in the world is success. Kids who grow up wanting to be dboys often get that way cuz growing up the most successful people they saw reguarly was on the corners.

Virtually the exact same concept from movies like Goodfellas or bronx tale.

But I strongly feel that a community where the average person is a working professional who is successful in their career is a much nicer one than we see now.

For example.. Just take this forum. We're mostly black. Say we all lived in the same community.....

Like on the corner Goldie and BNE .Right next door Reese fam. Next door to them Cain. Then Judah right next door. House at the next corner mzkb fam

Right across from her Chitown

Then Meeks next door, chi city, iron Man, the du's , whispering

The street behind us germs, Kandy, AP, miss k

Right around the corner ghost, Josh, race, czar, Remy, blac

I mean we not perfect, but do you think that neighborhood is a bad neighborhood?

You think if all of us sending our kids to the same school, that school can get away with giving our kids sub par anything??

You think we not having cook outs inviting the neighbors? Watching out for each other kids? Asking each other to watch the house while one of us on vacation.

Like really... The shit ain't as hard as we tell ourselves....

People rather kill themselves with doubt than real with the frustration of effort.

It can be done
Yall don't got any black non hood areas where you stay?
Plenty, but I'm going on the context of Goldie's post.

We've got Indian Village,University District,Southfield,Sherwood Forest,Rosedale Park, shit list goes on.

Those Blac affluent neighborhoods are due to longstanding homeowners and pride in their neighborhood. They bought in and kept it going.

The hood can be the same, just takes more grit and grind to get it done. But ppl want the turnkey solution, not the hard work solution.
I mostly definitely believe keeping your children in black schools. Make them stay in schools with students that look like them. Thankfully, I went to an inner city school that was dominantly black. I can only imagine what a black kid go through by going to a dominantly white school
I get the thought process behind staying and making a difference.

At the same time, I grew up on the eastside of Detroit. Soon as I started showing signs of success, niggaz started breaking into my cars and shit. I had to leave before I killed somebody.

Basically. Happened to pretty much every cat I knew that got a taste of success. Unless they lived in decent parts of Tha D like Boston Edison, Palmer Woods, Sherwood Forest, Indian Village, Rosedale Park, or Green Acres (where I lived), they had to bounce.
The bottom line:

We need more Black community.

Not just areas where black folk live. We need sure enough black community settings.

We need communities where everybody knows everybody, and their families.

Where the school boards are full with local members. The neighborhoods have a council and committee. Community centers, safe play grounds. Own the business in the area. Participate in local politics on a much now visable level.

Make a functional black community the norm.

All this shit is very very very doable.

I say the hood because it's the easiest place to start. Many folk who already there recognize the need for change. Especially the property owners.

And that's how you start. Niggaz been flipping houses, but they renting them shits. We need more home owners and less renters.

We need them stores and them shopping centers.b we need them malls.

We need all that shit. Cuz when it's ours and it's visible, it sets the stage for the next generation.

The most attractive thing in the world is success. Kids who grow up wanting to be dboys often get that way cuz growing up the most successful people they saw reguarly was on the corners.

Virtually the exact same concept from movies like Goodfellas or bronx tale.

But I strongly feel that a community where the average person is a working professional who is successful in their career is a much nicer one than we see now.

For example.. Just take this forum. We're mostly black. Say we all lived in the same community.....

Like on the corner Goldie and BNE .Right next door Reese fam. Next door to them Cain. Then Judah right next door. House at the next corner mzkb fam

Right across from her Chitown

Then Meeks next door, chi city, iron Man, the du's , whispering

The street behind us germs, Kandy, AP, miss k

Right around the corner ghost, Josh, race, czar, Remy, blac

I mean we not perfect, but do you think that neighborhood is a bad neighborhood?

You think if all of us sending our kids to the same school, that school can get away with giving our kids sub par anything??

You think we not having cook outs inviting the neighbors? Watching out for each other kids? Asking each other to watch the house while one of us on vacation.

Like really... The shit ain't as hard as we tell ourselves....

People rather kill themselves with doubt than real with the frustration of effort.

It can be done

Those areas actually exist in Detroit. Whole sections of the city where Black families live and thrive. Where people have known each other all their lives, where families are well known, where folks take care of one another. Y'all believing the white media about Tha D, saying it's all abandoned lots and burned down houses but nothing could be further from the truth. Do those areas exist? Absolutely, but that's not the majority of the city nor has it ever been.