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COMMUNITY Most Irrelevant State?

North Dakota and it ain't even close. I don't even think there's even a million people living there... in the whole damned state.
Dammit I was gonna say New Hampshire and someone beat me to it!!!

What the fuck even goes on there

I have to say Alaska….not because it’s whack but because they’re totally isolated from us all and probably enjoy it. They call the states “lower 48”
Idaho is where they grow potatoes (french fries)

South Dakota has Mt Rushmore

I'm from Massachusetts and I know alot of people go to New Hampshire in the winter for skiing

Same with Vermont, people from Massachusetts, usually White people, go to Vermont for a winter vacation. You can rent a cabin for a week if you're into that sort of thing. And it's only like a 3 or 4 hour drive from Boston.

Alaska has oil and there's an Alaska pipeline that supplies the entire West Coast with oil.
Them far NE states that are super small and forgotten about.

Rhode Island.... i forgot that was even a state

Maine... basically Canada


Arkansas sounds like it sucks too
New Hampshire is pretty pointless as far as I'm concerned. Do they have anything going on there? What's the Capitol, even? Do they have one? Does anybody care?
Idaho is not irrelevant

They got a whole potato named after them plus Napoleon Dynamite

Please someone tell me something interesting about Rhode Island
Wyoming has Yellowstone park. I want to go there eventually. They also having skiing. Neither of the Dakota's I plan on visiting
West Virginia got a dope college football team, and a lot of civil war history. And a casino

. After that straight trash