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Morgan Freeman: "Term 'African American' & Black History Month are insults"

Why not African Americans? That's a term that invented for ourselves.
Nah, that was a term Jesse Jackson pushed. It has proven to be a term that undermines us at this point cuz it's too all inclusive. Whites like Elon Musk and Charlize Theron classify as African Americans. Nuff said on that. And now that we're in a push for reparations our terms need to be ironclad. No wiggle room
Isn’t this old? I remember him making this comment a few years ago, if I’m not mistaken. Did he get asked about it again?

Either way I think Morgan Freeman means what @The Lonious Monk was stating. Our history is American history and shouldn’t be just relegated to a month, it should be part of normal teaching curriculum.

Of course that is idealistic thinking, due to how shit is in this country
I can agree with what he’s trying to say although it’ll be taken the wrong way by most people…

Morgan is 85….he’s lived through several generations. He comes from a time where the stuff you see on TV today is mostly foolishness to him and doesn’t paint the full picture..

In an interview he said black people should just be called an “American”…..and that the best way to defeat racism is to just “stop talking about it”. Meaning stop creating narratives surrounding race because you’re projecting ideas about ethnicities instead of focusing on the individual people behind the problem

He reminds me of an old school conservative that believes blacks would do best if we were just left alone and would just focus on our own needs instead of trying to integrate with ideas, social cues and titles that the media likes to portray…..similar to Asian families

And yeah….being called “African American” is outdated and lazy. Many blacks have no idea which nation or tribe in Africa they are even from
Nah, that was a term Jesse Jackson pushed. It has proven to be a term that undermines us at this point cuz it's too all inclusive. Whites like Elon Musk and Charlize Theron classify as African Americans. Nuff said on that. And now that we're in a push for reparations our terms need to be ironclad. No wiggle room

Let me give you so push back on that issue.

If you spoken Jesse Jackson on there then you were in the fault. This was a term that we named ourselves and our ethnic group! Afro-American, then ADOS
Disagree, but I don't have an issue with his idea. I do have an issue with him making such an idiotic comment. He's old enough to know that the words of public figures are often used for malicious propaganda.

In the years to come racists will drag this comment around with no concept of his meaning. They'll take this his words and run with with them willfully ignoring any of his intentions "I don't like black history month and I want it gone and here is a black celebrity who agrees with me"

The same way they are quick to throw around MLK's word and bastardize his pro black stance and socioeconomic ideas into "socialist who was killed for uniting the working class" all the while downplaying his message about race and how his words specifically applied to Black Americans.
I agree with the Black History Month stance. The history is bigger than a day, week or month, I do the shit year round.

The African American shit is kinda petty though. Those who know, know black people have had a presence all across the planet FAR before slavery and blacks here in US have a mixture, but we know that Africa is homebase in a sense for black people and humans overall, so I don't nitpick and have no real issue with it. Especially knowing how the root origin of many blacks on this land is so vague and unclear beyond the overt continental connection.
A black history month that specifically highlights black achievement is great, just as long as they include black history in American history as well. Seems to be a false choice that it'd be either/or. You can't tell American history without us and we also deserve special acknowledgment for all of our contributions.

The African-American thing, same kinda time. Like okay, but then make sure to call white people European-Americans. Shit they aren't part of a diaspora so they can get more specific than that. But they have no more claim to be considered the default "Americans" than anybody else. Either everyone sport she hyphen or no one should.

Fuck letting history be told through their lens with them as the avatar, we been off that.
I get it America should be a country that isn’t racist but that’s impossible. I really don’t see why African American is outdated. Yes we built this country but African Black Moor Hebrew Israelite ADOS is the same group of people.

African American history month does not mean we only learn about Black people during that month.
i get what he saying cuz i'm on the same type of time
any form or application i fill out, i don't answer that race shit. my race is the human race
and i'm not participating in your statistics and profiling