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Monday Night Raw (9/30)

They have all these women on the roster and I’m sure there’s some talent over at NXT. They could manufacture a decent tag team division especially with Sasha / Naomi as the champs. This looks like a Sasha / Bailey situation all over again. Niggas puttin in work for shit ultimately the company itself doesn’t care about
So I dont see the issue wit her catching heat. Especially if she's wanting to help build the women's tag division.
Manufactured tag teams. Ahh exactly what makes tag team wrestling shit these days. They just need to drop those belts and add a midcard womens title. That way you dont have to continue wrestler mash ups every 6 months.

If i was WWE id just pack up the titles they left on the desk and quietly let it disappear.
Manufactured tag teams. Ahh exactly what makes tag team wrestling shit these days. They just need to drop those belts and add a midcard womens title. That way you dont have to continue wrestler mash ups every 6 months.

If i was WWE id just pack up the titles they left on the desk and quietly let it disappear.

I didn’t mean “janky assembled duos” I meant in general there’s enough women in the company that there should be more tag teams in general. Not random folks put together for the sake of whatever is needed for a month
I didn’t mean “janky assembled duos” I meant in general there’s enough women in the company that there should be more tag teams in general. Not random folks put together for the sake of whatever is needed for a month
I know im just not a fan of the women tag belts when there isnt women tag teams at all outside a trio. Just a few girls who switch partners every few months to make the division look thriving. Vince hatws tag team wrestling so building women in NXT to be teams just going to cost they ass on the main roster. Those belts are usless and have zero meaning for anything. They should just quietly disappear. A womens IC title means 10x then a fake tag division.
do the mae young tag tournament they normally put on nxt on raw...

Sasha one of the most decorated champs in the company, naomi one of the top underutilized talents in the company...


have them organize a tournament, and actually keep the teams in it togethret
Yeah Naomi winning that 6 pack match would've been pointless. Honestly I originally thought it was a 6 women TAG match. Didn't realize it was match #1 contenders match until they mentioned them leaving.

They should've went wit Auska vs Becky from the jump. B/c that made more sense.
Not really because once they lose those tag team titles her time for woman's champion is coming naomi is due to be a contender....who she will face? Only time will tell
do the mae young tag tournament they normally put on nxt on raw...

Sasha one of the most decorated champs in the company, naomi one of the top underutilized talents in the company...


have them organize a tournament, and actually keep the teams in it togethret
From the reports she is upset that they didnt have plans for her at Mania so they booked her with Naomi so she decided to make it work and they felt they had something going and then WWE had diff plans. I dont think Sasha is dying to make these titles work. I think she tried to make best with what she got but got the carpet pulled under them when it was working.

I dont think Sasha is invested in the tag titles like that. Its about the issue with the booking.
From the reports she is upset that they didnt have plans for her at Mania so they booked her with Naomi so she decided to make it work and they felt they had something going and then WWE had diff plans. I dont think Sasha is dying to make these titles work. I think she tried to make best with what she got but got the carpet pulled under them when it was working.

I dont think Sasha is invested in the tag titles like that. Its about the issue with the booking.

She was invested when her and Bayley had them tho
Yeah but Du is right tho. Her wanting the women's tag division to be built even more...is something she's BEEN said for the longest.

I remember her saying that around the time her and Bayley had them during lockdown.
I understand and I remember those times(few years ago?). I just dont think thats her real focus anymore to build the tag titles with prestige. If the reports are true then she isnt in it for the tag titles this go around and made it work when she got nothing for Mania. Aint no hope for those titles bro.
For those who have asked about the Raw walkout, one version of the story that has been floated by several PWInsider.com has spoken with is that the originally conceived finish was that the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions would face off during the main event of Raw in the Six Pack Challenge, with Naomi beating Banks to end the match.

PWInsider.com is told that the original plan for Raw would have seen Banks and Naomi featured in two or three segments building up the idea that they would be facing off in the Six Pack Challenge. Raw would have gone off the air with the pair celebrating that Naomi was going to face Belair at the Hell in the Cell PPV.

The conceived storyline idea was that Naomi would then go on to Hell In A Cell and lose to Bianca Belair. There are some who believe that at this week’s Smackdown, an angle would have also been shot for Sasha Banks to wrestle and lose to Ronda Rousey, likely also at HIAC. So, the Women's Tag Team Champions would have effectively have been used to put over the Raw and Smackdown Women's Championship titleholders.

We are told that at some point during the day, likely after the initial concerns about creative were raised, there was an alternative idea that would have been Banks and Naomi have a short tag team match instead and be beat down after to set up a different program. One source cited their opponents would have been Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop but we have not 100% confirmed that to be the case.

We are told that shortly before Raw, Banks and Naomi were informed by WWE Producer Molly Holly that WWE was going with the Six Pack Challenge direction with Naomi going over. Shortly after, they informed John Laurinaitis they were leaving, leaving the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship belts behind.

PWInsider.com is told Vince McMahon, sitting at the gorilla position was told about the talents leaving just as or right after Raw went on the air. The Becky Lynch-Adam Pearce segment was pitched on the spot (one source credited Lynch with the idea) and Vince McMahon ordered it to be shot and then placed into the show to start explaining the change to the by-now announced Raw main event.

The belief among some is that the creative issue was not with Banks losing to Naomi but how the duo would have been portrayed over the next several weeks, especially after they had put so much time into building their team once Vince McMahon issued an edict that they would be teaming and winning the Women’s Tag Team titles at Wrestlemania 38 - and that after diving into building that team, they were going to wrestle each other and go off to put over other talents, leaving them, exactly where, which apparently was the crux of the issue. The WWE plan looks to have been that the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship would have been downplayed until their next program after Hell In A Cell concluded.

There are two trains of thought here, depending on what side of the fence you are on:

1 - Sasha Banks and Naomi stood up against what they felt was bad creative that worked against them and everything they had built for themselves over the last several months. Therefore, they were fighting for themselves, what they felt was best and their fans.

2 - Sasha Banks and Naomi were talents who were instructed to do what the promotion that pays them wanted them to do, fought against it and when they didn’t beat City Hall, instead opted to walk out and not perform. Therefore, they let the company and their own fans down.

That’s a black and white way of looking at things. The truth, however, probably sits somewhere in a gray area in the middle.

Some are going to think Banks and Naomi were being marks for themselves, especially in the unfathomable situation where a talent is told she is going over in the main event of Monday Night Raw, balks at the idea and walks out. Some will easily point at Banks and Naomi and claim this was an ego or an attitude issue.

Others will look at this as a moment where talents, faced with creative that didn't click or have any true building blocks underneath it to support it, shoved back and refused, wanting something better for themselves and the audience. It all depends on what side you have sympathy for and believe was in the right, based on the information at hand.

Sources have indicated that the crux of the issue was neither Sasha Banks nor Vince McMahon blinked when the other refused to back down on what they wanted. However, only a few know for sure what was said in the room when it all went down. The true unanswered question here is what happened in the meeting with Vince McMahon. Did he agree to change some of the direction and then changed his mind? Did he put his foot down and say absolutely not? Did other producers or creative team members get involved? Were Banks and Naomi told to stop the arguments and go with the plan? We don't know, as we don’t yet have those answers.

We do, however, have WWE’s statement and Corey Graves’ comments on Raw about the duo being unprofessional. The statement comes off as if someone from WWE’s legal department laid it out, building the foundation for an argument that Banks and Naomi had potentially breached their WWE contracts, putting WWE in a position where they couldn’t deliver their advertised main event.

Surely, there have been an infinite amount of times where WWE advertised and didn’t deliver something, but they can always argue that they changed their scripted storylines, where he, the talents refused to play their parts. After all, they could argue, if you are The Walking Dead, you don’t get to argue you don’t want to get bit by the zombie this week, but that’s what Banks and Naomi allegedly did, therefore WWE and their fans were harmed. From the outside looking in, you can see them winding up that pitch.

The comments on Raw about the duo being unprofessional came off as if they were dictated by Vince McMahon himself. You know if there’s one thing McMahon doesn’t want, it’s to have to change his TV show for the umpteenth time for any outside reason beyond his own whims. Whether all the parties make up today or tomorrow, in the moment, you could feel the Vince “doesn’t give a sh**” - anger coming through on that line of commentary.

The WWE statement issued to PWInsider.com last night was later published on WWE’s website and social media. It was also sent to the entire talent roster.

As to whether this was a work, it wasn't. But, that doesn't mean that should things smooth over, things cannot retroactively be worked into WWE's official storylines.

As of this morning, Banks and Naomi remain on WWE’s active roster internally. If, where and when they appear on WWE programming again remains to be seen - as is the status of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship - and there won’t be any clarity on that if and until there’s additional communication between the two sides. Whether this becomes something that gradually blows over or becomes a more involved legal issue remains to be seen in the days ahead
i stand with sasha and naomi

the woman's tag division should be a real division, not just a tool to put over the already woman champions and bury the tag titles in the process


Sasha / Naomi should have been booked to start a feud with Doudrop / Nikki ASH cause they’ve been teasing Doudrop & Nikki teaming up, they been teasing Doudrop making Nikki drop the lame superhero gimmick and Sasha / Naomi just finished up With Natalya / Baslar soooooooooo shit seemed like a no brainer
like they can't even get a run as heel champs cuz of this shit...

naomi wanted to run withhe bloodline
They have all these women on the roster and I’m sure there’s some talent over at NXT. They could manufacture a decent tag team division especially with Sasha / Naomi as the champs. This looks like a Sasha / Bailey situation all over again. Niggas puttin in work for shit ultimately the company itself doesn’t care about

they should of never made separate women's title for NXT. Thats where the problem came in

they should of left it at one set of titles and had the champs float from brand to brand like they were doing in the beginning