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Monday Night Raw (9/30)

there feud is weird when they on different brands they need to end this and let bray stalk brock and heyman since he on sd

that...won't work.

the feud wouldn't be all that "weird" if Seth was believable. If his promos sounded more like he was speakin from the heart, rather then remembering a script, then maybe it could be better. Especially if you're going up against a promo genius like Bray. I'd figured that would've made Seth step his promo game up.

But he just comes off as some cheesy action hero who spout cheesy tag lines..."When i find Bray and his Funhouse, I'm going to...*dramatic pause as he looks over his shoulder*...BURN...IT...DOWN"
Its really looking like he bout to heel turn so maybe he'll chill w/ all the cheesy shit.

Either way i've never been a fan. His voice has always been annoying to me and it makes it hard to take him serious. i've just tolerated him cause i know hes gonna be in the title picture for a long time to come
It really was but theres been way too many promos/backstage segments already tonight

Watching 2 hrs of NXT & AEW makes u realize that shit because they aren't doing promos everytime you turn around
Raw actually has been pretty smooth tonight, I like the back to back matches and Drew/Richochet ended up solid asf. Still a few silly shits segments but I see what Paul E doing, more wrestling based show.
they really giving some of these new guys a chance to shine tonight, thats the biggest take away.

And its looking more and more like that Rollins turn is gonna happen unless they bullshit us like they used to do w/ Cena.