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Monday Night Raw (9/30)

Zoey has NO charisma on the mic. My lord
I like her . But I ain't gonna judge you on this one

Maybe cuz I'm biased. WWE has an over abundance of female talent. So anytime they actually build a non title/ non cluttered feud... I'm here for it.

So Zoey vs Shayna.... I'm 100% behind that . Let Becky sit it out and play instigator.

Bayley has been a SUPERB instigator the past year... The fact that Io is a champ now is proof positive. Bayley like Becky don't need these titles... But putting over talent by any kind of involvement is good for the entire women's division.

I think this match might slap too
*checks youtube before forming opinion*

LOL That was not a good segment at all
You fucked it up with the double down


It was very decent. Presented a fresh match up. And Becky took the best seat after trying to get the crowd hype. Shit accomplishes mad shit at one time. I fucked with it