Legion of Trill | Keep god in ya life, fuck nigga
This story line ran its course
cant believe i’m saying this but charlotte deserves better
that shit was funny as hell. Lacey Evans is great but i do want this storyline to end
This story line ran its course
cant believe i’m saying this but charlotte deserves better
Damn shame this is what Ric Flair is reduced to
People saying Lacey is legit pregnant and that might of been their way of ending that feud
its crazy they couldnt think of a better way to wrap it up if that was the end or maybe they planning to drag it out before removing her from tv. I mean thats what Id do but I honestly just wanna see Ric Flair ugly cry on tv again...
Sooooo are we excited about tonight’s Raw with what happened last night at the elimination chamber lol
No, I don't want Miz as champ but I was tired of Drew being champ. I'm just tired of RawSooooo are we excited about tonight’s Raw with what happened last night at the elimination chamber lol