already home_17
Attitude Still on “Fuck It”
idk whose crew is more pathetic
zelina’s or rollins’
zelina’s or rollins’
Zelina's crew is more patheticidk whose crew is more pathetic
zelina’s or rollins’
that big dude better not be shaq lol
ts this African guy they signed to NXT. He like 7ft 3. Only been on tv like once down there though. Basically the Black Khali
Not the guy you wanna be compared tots this African guy they signed to NXT. He like 7ft 3. Only been on tv like once down there though. Basically the Black Khali
And they turned him into a ninja??? Lol
Not the guy you wanna be compared to
I like this more serious tone of the Iiconics. If they do this consistently they may be able to get those straps in a month or two
What you got against Billy Kay and Peyton Roycedo you enjoy watching the world burn?