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Monday Night Raw (10/21)

Just send Apollo to 205 already bruh.. fuck! who cares about the weight limit. They need to change the name of that shit completely and feature some of these guys that are getting shit on down there more
they need no writers ASAP.

I'll be really shocked if Corbin doesn't use the power that Stephanie just gave him in order to change this match somehow and screw Finn over.
This is so crazy.

Shield back heel???

Braun heel?? Dude did a heel cash in....

That was crazy....
What's sad is that they have to overbook a match just for people to actually "somehwat" cheer for Roman. The fans only gave a reaction to Rollins and Stone Cold Dean. I don't think anyone's turned heel. Hopefully they'll have normal matches and allow the crowd to give a natural reaction instead of fishing for cheers for Reigns

Finn could've helped out Braun since he told that man good luck. One spear ain't put him out for the whole segment lol