Iceberg_Taylor YeYeYeYeYeYE Jan 2, 2023 #16,426 Lol at someone in the crowd "Solo's gonna killll you"
OGDirtyD NAWF ATLANTA 🤟 Jan 2, 2023 #16,429 Elias need to stop playing and lay tf down. Homie over hear beating the breaks off Solo now.
Iceberg_Taylor YeYeYeYeYeYE Jan 2, 2023 #16,430 Corey Graves: Elias hittin Solo over the head wit that Tambourine. I suddenly have the urge to walk like an Egyptian"
Corey Graves: Elias hittin Solo over the head wit that Tambourine. I suddenly have the urge to walk like an Egyptian"
OGDirtyD NAWF ATLANTA 🤟 Jan 2, 2023 #16,435 Cena hair looks terrible. Lol and it would look better once he hits his OG fade but those movie roles having him rock it out looking 10yrs older.
Cena hair looks terrible. Lol and it would look better once he hits his OG fade but those movie roles having him rock it out looking 10yrs older.
Iceberg_Taylor YeYeYeYeYeYE Jan 2, 2023 #16,436 OGDirtyDee said: Cena hair looks terrible. Lol and it would look better once he hits his OG fade but those movie roles having him rock it out looking 10yrs older. Click to expand... That bald spot was screamin out loud I couldn't believe that shit myself.
OGDirtyDee said: Cena hair looks terrible. Lol and it would look better once he hits his OG fade but those movie roles having him rock it out looking 10yrs older. Click to expand... That bald spot was screamin out loud I couldn't believe that shit myself.
OGDirtyD NAWF ATLANTA 🤟 Jan 2, 2023 #16,437 Im glad they didnt rush Sammy getting treated bad after that loss. Keep the crew bond together strong til 4 weeks before Mania plsss.
Im glad they didnt rush Sammy getting treated bad after that loss. Keep the crew bond together strong til 4 weeks before Mania plsss.
Chi-Town B Moderator Mod Squad Jan 2, 2023 #16,438 Mitchel is torching Caruso, why is he still in the damn game. Fire Donovan goofy ass
Iceberg_Taylor YeYeYeYeYeYE Jan 2, 2023 #16,440 Chi-Town B said: Mitchel is torching Caruso, why is he still in the damn game. Fire Donovan goofy ass Click to expand... wrong thread bruh lol
Chi-Town B said: Mitchel is torching Caruso, why is he still in the damn game. Fire Donovan goofy ass Click to expand... wrong thread bruh lol