COMMUNITY MK: Stand Up Comedy

Too late to switch? lol either way, i would've changed the wife theme to this


I loved that Mike Epps shit... but that Eddie shit was classic....Germs ain't submit shit.....and i saw a few where Dane cook did impressions....

smh.....1rst round pick..... no postings....

ChiCity- 3points-Eddie Murphy
Goldie- 2points-Mike Epps
Germs-0 points n/a

#2Crazy Family member

The shit about Bernie fucking his brother up when he see him still make me laugh to my core....

Germs-3points-Bernie Mac
ChiCity-2points-Eddie Murphy
Goldie-1point Mike Epps

#3 Crazy Wife/Women
I didn't mean specifically marriage, just how comedians always talking about their wives or relationships in general

Goldie-3points- Rock
Germs-2 points-Burr
ChiCity-1point- Martin

#4 Political commentary
Rock and Patrice hit that shit on the nail...this was prolly the closest one....but i Feel like Patrice barely edged that shit out....barely...

Goldie-2 points-Rock

#5Funniest set
Another close one... But Dave shines here
Goldie-3points-DAve Chappelle
ChiCIty-2 points- Patrice Onea'l
Germs-0points-Didn't timestamp shit, specify shit, just posted a whole hour special....smh

total tally

Germs-6 points

Tie Breaker:

Roasting an audience member......
It's rigged, he picked chi before we even dropped anything lol
Naw I misread. I thought he meant choose from the vids yall already posted.

My bad
he a little slow....


you have to pick a winner from @Goldie and @ChiCity posting video of one of their comedians roasting a member of the audience...

Aye mu'fucca...I at work! I literally placed someone on hold so I could reread what you meant. up ya vids so we can declare a winner.
Nobody fucked with Rock or Chappelle in the audience and they didn't roast the audience, martin would've been perfect for this theme, I just bumped into this shit lol

meh, can't use rock or chappelle in the sudden death there's no point
i'll take 2nd place by default

sendin the bread out now
meh, can't use rock or chappelle in the sudden death there's no point
Facts. I

Run my bread and I appreciate the tournament. I did better than I thought. Ya picks were crazy good

@Germs, good look on the Patrice hook up. I'll toss a couple stacks ya way

@Kandy, please add me to the MK HOF. Thanks boo