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MK Decades 2000s: Teams Edition

This win was all my lovely partner @Blactivity . I couldn't have asked for a better partner

I don't care what the subject is, put me against Du

I knew I should have ran with @OhMars. Let him and Blac discuss which Young Chris song they was gonna post
Chi dumb ass was like

Oh no, don't use dynasty intro that's been used to death

Don't use big pimpin that's been used to death
Leave it up to Du and he'd use Big Pimping and Beans with the neck braids on every fucking theme

Theme: Post a song about outer space

Du: Big Pimpin. Nah nah see you gotta think; Big was a allusion to the universe and it's unending space. Pimpin is for aliens that's gonna be pimpin off our satellites that they gonna use to attack us. Hold up, let me drop the unheard remix with where they take Bun off and put Chris on the mic.