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MK: 90's Producers

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Post your producers best single

Ibex - 3
5th Letter - 2
5grand - 1

damn y'all niggas came out swinging. It was hard not giving Flava remix, and ON any points.

Post your producers best b-side (non single)

Dubbz - 3
BDP - 2
Ibex - 1

Post your producers best song with a male and female artist on it

Mooney - 3
Dubbz - 2
Ibex - 1

@5 Grand that Nas, Rakim, Alcia song came out in 03

Post your producers best song with 3 or more rappers on it

Ibex - 3
Mooney - 2
5th Letter - 1

@BDP how you not use Cell Therapy for this topic.

Post your producers best beat.

BDP - 3
5th Letter - 2
Mooney - 1


Ibex - 8
Mooney - 6
5Grand - 1
BDP - 5
5th Letter - 5


I felt like They Dont Dance no Mo was the better beat and song

TBH i was really close to putting “Git Up and Git Out”

1. Post your producers best single
3points @5th Letter - Rza
2points @Ibex - Dre
1point @BDP - O.N

2. Post your producers best b-side (non single)
3points @TonyDubbz - Easy Mo Be
2points @Ibex - Dre
1point @5th Letter - Rza

3. Post your producers best song with a male and female artist on it
3points @Mooney - Havoc
2points @TonyDubbz - Easy Mo Be
1point @BDP - O.N

4. Post your producers best song with 3 or more rappers on it
3points @Mooney - Havoc
2points @Ibex - Dre
1point @5th Letter - Rza

5. Post your producers best beat.
(this was the hardest one to pick from)
3points @5th Letter - Rza
2points @Mooney - Havoc
1point @Ibex - Dre

@Mooney - Havoc 8
@5th Letter - Rza 8
@Ibex - Dre 7
@TonyDubbz - Easy Mo Be 5
@BDP - O.N 2
@5 Grand - Premo
Total so far:

mooney = 21
5 grand = 2
bdp = 10
5th = 19
dubbz = 15
ibex = 25

We're still waiting on @Achewon87
Post your producers best single
5th Letter- 3
Dubbz - 2
Ibex - 1

Post your producers best b-side (non single)
5Grand - 3
5th Letter - 2
Mooney - 1

Post your producers best song with a male and female artist on it
Mooney - 3
Dubbz - 2
BDP - 1

Post your producers best song with 3 or more rappers on it
5th Letter - 3
Mooney - 2
Ibex - 1

Post your producers best beat
5th Letter - 3
Mooney - 2
BDP - 1

5th Letter - 11
Mooney - 7
Dubbz - 4
5Grand - 3
Ibex - 2
BDP - 2
mooney = 28
5 grand = 5
bdp = 12
5th = 30
dubbz = 19
ibex = 27

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