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Breaking News Miguel Thought He Was Safe

Miguel has issued a statement denying allegations of sexual misconduct that date back to last March, but were recently resurfaced in a Spin article. A woman named Xian Bass first publicly wrote about her alleged experience on Instagram with a picture of her with the singer. She wrote in her post that after she took the picture with Miguel he sexually assaulted. “After we took this photo, you took it upon yourself to grab my breast and remove it from my shirt WITHOUT CONSENT,” Bass wrote. “You then proceeded to look at my naked breast with such a disgusting look on your face.”

The allegations did not receive much publicity at the time, though TMZ did approach Miguel about the allegations. He told TMZ, “People are really looking for attention in the wrong ways.” He added, “In this age, I guess, you just gotta be more aware of how things can be and how things can be spun.”

In Spin’s in-depth profile of Miguel, the publication spoke to Bass about her earlier claims. Bass revealed that she had reported the incident in California to the Barstow Police Department, which, in turn, confirmed to Spin that it had investigated her claims. According to Bass, since the alleged incident happened at a Los Angeles venue in a more secluded area, out of sight of witnesses, the police investigator told her that “other women have to come forward” with allegations to take action against Miguel.

Miguel responded to the allegations with a statement:

“I felt I had already addressed how bizarre and twisted this accusation was when I was asked about it in March. Her story of what transpired is not accurate and the accusation is unfair and unwarranted.”
“After we took this photo, you took it upon yourself to grab my breast and remove it from my shirt WITHOUT CONSENT,” Bass wrote. “You then proceeded to look at my naked breast with such a disgusting look on your face.”
I can’t help but to think that if he had a look of pleasure on his face, this story wouldn’t exist....
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Sound like she was salty he gave them titties two thumbs down

Takes victim blaming to a new level if folks are really out here saying "I'm sure if he liked it, you wouldn't be saying that".

That's even worse than the "she was asking for it" narrative. Disappointing.
TBH I dont believe anything until I see facts...

Im cynical as fuck about both sides

While there are a lot of creeps out there whondeserve to be outed...there are just as many scorned ppl using that instant name sullier to get back at a person.
I wonder...

What about the men who are accused that never truly did anything? I've pretty much kept comments to myself on these stories because it's fucked up all around.

Thats what im saying...

Sexual accusation are scarlet letters man...

Again, the real creeps ought to be prosecuted to the full extent...

But this shit starting to tread into Salem witch trial territory...
If this went down they both sexually assaulted each other.

He's too big of a star to do some dumb shit like that, idc how much play or vibes she was sending the nigga. If he did it, it's assault.

But, she was the first person to sexually assault. She apparently went up to him and told him "i orgasm to ur music" , that's sexual harassment and inappropriate.

They both fucked up.
Heres the thing...

“Consent” is not defined

A woman “consents”
to sex...wakes up the next morning and regrets...now she says I said yes but I really meant no.

Now the person involved looks like a creep that coerced sex from an unwilling participant...
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Heres the thing...

“Consent” is not defined

A woman “consents”
to sex...wakes up the next morning and regrets...now she says I said yes but I really meant no.

Now the person involved looks like a creep that coerced sex from an unwilling participant...

No that probably never happens
If this went down they both sexually assaulted each other.

He's too big of a star to do some dumb shit like that, idc how much play or vibes she was sending the nigga. If he did it, it's assault.

But, she was the first person to sexually assault. She apparently went up to him and told him "i orgasm to ur music" , that's sexual harassment and inappropriate.

They both fucked up.
somebody gets it.
I really think people underestimate the number of sex crimes daily. For years they would go unreported because society didnt want to discuss it. Now that things are being exposed and victim blaming is looked at as terrible like it should be more people come out. It aint that many gray areas to consent. Its a clear yes or no.
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a lot of people don't seem to be comprehending that the reason why there's a wave after the Weinstein reveal is that Weinstein was a powerful man so many women were intimidated by. I remember hearing rumors years and years ago but nobody really came forward. So when someone like that is taken down, and by high profile people against other high profile people with shit to lose, it inspired a dialogue and reminded people of what they'd been through. #metoo was notable because a lot of folks who weren't activists or advocates were admitting something publicly and making it okay to talk about.

This chick made a video earlier this year, PRIOR to the Weinstein scandal or the hollywood wave. She was inspired to talk about her experience and the way she was treated for speaking out now.

Making accusations of hopping on a bandwagon or trend, when a simple fact-check on when this story first came out would've resolved it, is pretty inexcusable. Anything to cape I guess.

I really think people underestimate the number of sex crimes daily. For years they would go unreported because society didnt wabt to discuss it. Now that things are being exposed and victim blaming is looked at as terrible like it should be more people come out. It aint that many gray areas to consent. Its a clear yes or no.

I disagree that victim blaming is looked at terrible. In some circles yeah but look at this thread. Instead of prompting a dialogue on how common violations are, it's "anybody can get got nowadays", "must've been because he didn't like her tits" and other vapid attempts at blame.
Nahhh I'm more so agreeing with what BDP was saying, that type of situation can and has happened.

U can meet a chick at the club, you're both drinking, yall both end up fuckin and then she says she never gave consent. That's bullshit. There's a whole lot of grey area.
a lot of people don't seem to be comprehending that the reason why there's a wave after the Weinstein reveal is that Weinstein was a powerful man so many women were intimidated by. I remember hearing rumors years and years ago but nobody really came forward. So when someone like that is taken down, and by high profile people against other high profile people with shit to lose, it inspired a dialogue and reminded people of what they'd been through. #metoo was notable because a lot of folks who weren't activists or advocates were admitting something publicly and making it okay to talk about.

This chick made a video earlier this year, PRIOR to the Weinstein scandal or the hollywood wave. She was inspired to talk about her experience and the way she was treated for speaking out now.

Making accusations of hopping on a bandwagon or trend, when a simple fact-check on when this story first came out would've resolved it, is pretty inexcusable. Anything to cape I guess.

I disagree that victim blaming is looked at terrible. In some circles yeah but look at this thread. Instead of prompting a dialogue on how common violations are, it's "anybody can get got nowadays", "must've been because he didn't like her tits" and other vapid attempts at blame.

True i shouldve said victim blaming is looked at badly among people who are viewed as pc. And many people are anti pc because they think its soft. They think people just want some money or lying about sexual assault.