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Men who have to fight to see their kids...

Gotta be careful who you lay down with. Men and women. Anybody who denies their kids right to have both parents involved better have a legit reason.
I think it's power trips and control issues.

Just because you don't see it in a big way in the relationship don't mean it's not there.

Neither one of my BMS could control me....But they tried often.
I over looked it cuz it didn't faze me....I kept it moving.
But when a kid is involved.....It makes you take notice if you care about the kid.

Then the fact some dudes don't want their kids like that... Automatically give the mother the feeling that she has all the control and say so. And its there is where it starts.
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I don’t feel bad because I don’t know the whole entire story. Some said he was beating on her, we’ll never know.

My sperm donor does stuff like this but what people don’t see is him harassing me, he doesn’t want me dating anyone, etc. @Ghost313 got to witness the shenanigans.

Kinda funny that dude and my sperm donor are both from Memphis and they both do things like this except my sperm donor knows better than to try this because I have text messages, pictures, videos, voice notes, to expose him. It be the abusive ones being extra like this too.

I know this is a touchy subject for a lot people and I try to tread carefully.

So respectfully, what does any of that have to do with the relationship between a man and his child? How does the fact that a child's father doesn't want the woman dating anyone else, harasses her, etc, factor into him seeing his child?
I think it's power trips and control issues.

Just because you don't see it in a big way in the relationship don't mean it's not there.

Neither one of my BMS could control me....But they tried often.
I over looked it cuz it didn't faze me....I kept it moving.
But when a kid is involved.....It makes you take notice if you care about the kid.

Then the fact some dudes don't want their kids like that... Automatically give the mother the feeling that she has all the control and say so. And its there is where it starts.
You got custody?
You got custody?
Damn lurk. You getting daddy memory or what?
You too young bruh. Too young.

Of course I got custody.
Thing is.....I'll be all types of shit but don't come between me and my kids. I fought for years consistently to win custody from both of them. It's always crazy how people think I was the issue yet the judges side with me on who the better person to raise kids is.
But yea..Got custody and put them on child support. That was a whole nother issue. Ladies and dudes said I wasn't shit for doing it without knowing my financial situation. But why can't a mother pay support for her child?

Man i had some adventures being a parent.

I tell people, it may be good now. But people are different when they don't get their way.
Damn lurk. You getting daddy memory or what?
You too young bruh. Too young.

Of course I got custody.
Thing is.....I'll be all types of shit but don't come between me and my kids. I fought for years consistently to win custody from both of them. It's always crazy how people think I was the issue yet the judges side with me on who the better person to raise kids is.
But yea..Got custody and put them on child support. That was a whole nother issue. Ladies and dudes said I wasn't shit for doing it without knowing my financial situation. But why can't a mother pay support for her child?

Man i had some adventures being a parent.

I tell people, it may be good now. But people are different when they don't get their way.
Lol nigga just cant ask questions huh...yikes..

Oh shit! How u pull that off?
I don’t feel bad because I don’t know the whole entire story. Some said he was beating on her, we’ll never know.

My sperm donor does stuff like this but what people don’t see is him harassing me, he doesn’t want me dating anyone, etc. @Ghost313 got to witness the shenanigans.

Kinda funny that dude and my sperm donor are both from Memphis and they both do things like this except my sperm donor knows better than to try this because I have text messages, pictures, videos, voice notes, to expose him. It be the abusive ones being extra like this too.
When I saw Memphis I was like damn damn damn!!!!!
I know this is a touchy subject for a lot people and I try to tread carefully.

So respectfully, what does any of that have to do with the relationship between a man and his child? How does the fact that a child's father doesn't want the woman dating anyone else, harasses her, etc, factor into him seeing his child?

Are you really asking those questions?
I’ll tell you why I have a problem with people commenting on things like this, the question is WHY do you not see an issue with an abuser focusing on the person who they’ve abused more than the child.

Anytime a grown ass man has to be redirected to the child, there’s a deeper issue. This is also why so many women are being killed by their abusers. The children are stuck in the middle of the bullshit and when I lived in Memphis I remember this woman being killed by the father when he went to pick up the kids or some shit. He killed her right in front of their children. She had a restraining order on him but the kids didn’t because he was proven to not be a threat towards the children. He was still a threat to her though.

To be honest, these threads show how toxic and unstable people can be. It’s unhealthy for me to allow my child to be around a man who happens to have helped create her WHO also happens to beat on women. He beat on me while pregnant with her, while holding her, popped my stitches after my cesarean and all. There’s no way he can see my child. He’s dangerous.

And any man who can beat on women that way, DAMN SURE can’t raise one.

Might I add he could’ve KILLED me and my daughter. I had to literally escape. Hell no, he can’t see my child.
I play absolutely ZERO games about mine, this is absolute facts. Let’s also be real, there’s quite a few Ike Turners on this very website. So any man questioning why that has anything to do with a man being in his child(ren) lives should check themselves.

You should be wondering how abusive men can stop beating on women so they can do better. That’s tragic.
Are you really asking those questions?
I’ll tell you why I have a problem with people commenting on things like this, the question is WHY do you not see an issue with an abuser focusing on the person who they’ve abused more than the child.

Anytime a grown ass man has to be redirected to the child, there’s a deeper issue. This is also why so many women are being killed by their abusers. The children are stuck in the middle of the bullshit and when I lived in Memphis I remember this woman being killed by the father when he went to pick up the kids or some shit. He killed her right in front of their children. She had a restraining order on him but the kids didn’t because he was proven to not be a threat towards the children. He was still a threat to her though.

To be honest, these threads show how toxic and unstable people can be. It’s unhealthy for me to allow my child to be around a man who happens to have helped create her WHO also happens to beat on women. He beat on me while pregnant with her, while holding her, popped my stitches after my cesarean and all. There’s no way he can see my child. He’s dangerous.

And any man who can beat on women that way, DAMN SURE can’t raise one.

Might I add he could’ve KILLED me and my daughter. I had to literally escape. Hell no, he can’t see my child.
I'm glad you were able to get out of that. Abusers are just pathetic IMO
I'm glad you were able to get out of that. Abusers are just pathetic IMO

Pathetic AF!

and let me just say, I tried to set boundaries and allow him the opportunity to be in my daughter’s life. He acted a complete ass because he couldn’t control me anymore. I’m in therapy now, I have my own business, I work full time, just won a scholarship over the summer. I’m prospering and I had to cut him off because I couldn’t prosper the way I needed to for my daughter. I was terrified of him even thousands of miles away.

People don’t see these things because women do not share it. Shit is a cold world out here.