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Men how do you feel about getting gifts?

I rather not get anything for Christmas, then to get something I do not like and will never use .
Any man who follows that logic in that tweet is fatherless and furthers proves their mother/family/education system/Buddha has failed them. Foh.

Anyway...I don't care. I've never been the type to complain about not gettin gifts. I can get my own.
Birthdays and Xmas and other stuff I always buy for myself. I hear I'm hard to buy for or I'm too expensive but never hear them say that's too much to spend on me. It doesn't bother me if I don't get anything cause i don't wait till those 2 days to buy for myself.
I kind of feel where he coming from though. Just so he won't be disappointed just get stuff for yourself. Either they'll catch on or not either way you gone be straight
I would expect a gift from my girl. A gift she knows i like without me telling her. I like many things so it is not hard to find me something. My parents have done enough for me so i dont expect anything frim them outside of wishing me a happy B day.
I genuinely don't care if I get gifts or not

But I genuinely appreciate getting them

That's it that's all
☝️Pretty much.

If it's a significant other and I find the thoughtful, expensive gifts only coming from me then that well will dry up.
Even if I'm not beat for anything that don't mean you can skate
It’s definitely nice and genuinely appreciated. Another poster just said this but, it’s nicer if you get me a gift that you obviously put some thought or consideration in. Getting the same underwear/sock/tie packs year after year would tell me otherwise TBH. 🤷🏽‍♂️
I've gotten some dope ass gifts over the years
. Shits always appreciated
I don't like receiving gifts unless it's a reasoning behind it. If you want to buy me something because I accomplished something then cool. Other than that, keep your money or spend it on someone that's less fortunate. Almost anything I want, I can get on my own. It's a catch 22, because on one side, I'm telling to keep their money & don't spend on me but I had to realize that I can't be like that in a relationship. It'll probably make the woman feel that I'm not compassionate for her, and rejecting her, if I don't allow her to give me gifts
Who says a man shouldnt require his family to get him something?

That’s bout the dumbest damn thing next to happy wife happy life.

I’m so glad my wife made it a requirement in my household without me asking for it.

We have been indoctrinated into believing all we need is socks, tie or tools. And then wonder why men are unhappy, cheat or just say fuck the family.

We should all appreciate our fathers and be appreciated as fathers and appreciate our sons as fathers.

Can’t want men to be the leaders and not show thanks for his leadership.
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I think this can easily be traced back to just how we were taught that as a young man, when you begin to like young ladies, you are to court them which includes the buying of presents/gifts.

IDK how many girls are told at a young agethat men should get gifts as well, but they are also taught men should be buying them shit. The man is constantly doing shit to earn the right to date a woman so that's what gets the most attention continuing to perpetuate that most men will just be ok with some sort of half baked gift gesture.
Men need love and affection too... and if that means gifts for that man, then so be it... I don't personally require gifts.. As long as I'm thought about or shown appreciation, then I'm good. But I do appreciate getting them. My wife is insistent on getting me something every year and she's gotten much better at it, so I let her do her thing cause she enjoys giving the gifts.
I don't expect gifts and I don't really get anything anyway lol but I'd always appreciate it when I did.