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Men, do you think of the consequences of your actions...

I always think shit through, for every action, there is a reaction. I am honest to a fault, I’d end up telling my girl if I am entertaining any other broads.
I always think shit through, for every action, there is a reaction. I am honest to a fault, I’d end up telling my girl if I am entertaining any other broads.

Same here. Hell, I've really only tried to hide one thing from my wife and that wound up blowing up into something way worse than it was. That only reinforced my stance on things.

I'm known for thinking things through carefully, and that's worked for me. It does have downsides though. For one, there is a such thing as overthinking or being paralyzed by thought. You can miss opportunities by simply not jumping at them when the time is right. Second, if you have a rep for being thoughtful then you can use thoughtlessness as an excuse for when you fuck up. If you do some wrong shit, everyone is going to know you did it because you meant to do it even if its something you eventually regret.
First off, I am a hardened bachelor. Never been in couple. Those craps still does exists in 2020?

Secondly, why would she look up at my phone. I don'y trust women around my phone, they're super sneaky and emasculating AF nowadays. Women I don't even date getting nosy with my picture stash.
I even got my older sister trying to sneak into my web browser and my mother asking my eldest brother to hack my PC and mobile phone from his PC when I was younger yet still of legal age already. I distrust most women as much as they distrust all men.

And thirdly, in which parallel world would I let somebody I date getting nosy with my phone? Am I getting nosy about the 103 simps and side baes DM-ing you on your texts and social media accounts?? Or your stupid favorite Korean boysband stash?

Leave men alone.

yes, we think about it

the bad part comes with getting away with it......then it becomes easy.....you really dont think about it at that point

its not always a conscious decision like hey you know what ima break her heart today......but sometimes we're just having our cake and dont even consider
As I gotten older yes. Back in the day I didn't give a shit but now I'm more settled or like the young goofy niggas like to say "washed" and I came to grips with my bullshit and misgivings of my actions. Old Cain was on some new pussy>>>>>>>>>old pussy Newer Old Cain is on some find you one good one be happy and don't fuck it up
As I gotten older yes. Back in the day I didn't give a shit but now I'm more settled or like the young goofy niggas like to say "washed" and I came to grips with my bullshit and misgivings of my actions. Old Cain was on some new pussy>>>>>>>>>old pussy Newer Old Cain is on some find you one good one be happy and don't fuck it up

A year changes a lot.

Congratulations gramps.
First off, I am a hardened bachelor. Never been in couple. Those craps still does exists in 2020?

Secondly, why would she look up at my phone. I don'y trust women around my phone, they're super sneaky and emasculating AF nowadays. Women I don't even date getting nosy with my picture stash.
I even got my older sister trying to sneak into my web browser and my mother asking my eldest brother to hack my PC and mobile phone from his PC when I was younger yet still of legal age already. I distrust most women as much as they distrust all men.

And thirdly, in which parallel world would I let somebody I date getting nosy with my phone? Am I getting nosy about the 103 simps and side baes DM-ing you on your texts and social media accounts?? Or your stupid favorite Korean boysband stash?

Leave men alone.

How old are you?
Also, whats so crazy on your computer that your mom is concerned?
How old are you?
Also, whats so crazy on your computer that your mom is concerned?

In my twenties. And nothing so important: my mother could just be by moments an emasculating control freak who distrusts and picture herself into her mind with whole soap opera-ish conspiracy novels about her less favorite kids whenever we were showing some maturity or independance. She just wanted to show she could crush any semblance of territory or personal bubble I had as an young adult living under her roof, as usual.

I've learnt a lot about women by observing how my single mother and other female relatives acts out.