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Men, do you think of the consequences of your actions...


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before you make a decision?

for example, do you think about how your s/o will feel and how she may react and base your decisions off that or do you just shoot for the stars and deal with the damage later.

example: you’re in a relationship and you texting another chick. You know your girl will be mad if she catch you but feel like you can deal with how mad she will get and everything will be cool later. So you text the other chick anyway.
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Now I do. I wont cheat on my girl not cause I think cheating is wrong morally, but because she would be hurt if she found out. Plus I would feel guilty lying to her.

Thats how I feel now though. Wasnt always the case. Growth and maturity ongoing
I'm different. In my youth it was easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission. Yeah she gonna be mad.....but only if she find out is how I rationalized it

I spent more time hiding cheating than actually cheating at times

Too old to be intentionally hurting someone when we monogamous
Most ppl aren't empathetic to how they words and choices will affect the ppl they lives

Some ppl are too damn sensitive also so you literally have to be like a ninja just so you dont offended them

End result, find a person thats gonna let you do you
Now? Yes

Took a long time for me to get there. Ima "who gon stop me" ass dude and always have just done whatever I wanted fuck the outcome

But, she's worn me down over the years and I'm a lot more thoughtful about the choices I make. Maturity finally kicked in
before you make a decision?

for example, do you think about how your s/o will feel and how she may react and base your decisions off that or do you just shoot for the stars and deal with the damage later.

example: you’re in a relationship and you texting another chick. You know your girl will be mad if she catch you but feel like you can deal with how mad she will get and everything will be cool later. So you text the other chick anyway.
