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Men can be just as petty as women

Honestly, leaving without telling the person you stay with is better some times. Not everyone takes breakups well. If the situation is volatile, go with the path of least resistance.

Knew a guy who got cheated on by his girl. He was gonna move out and she knew. 95% of the stuff was his. One day he wasn't at the apartment , she changed the locks. That was illegal since she did it without permission from management. Had to get the cops involved.
To be honest, if two people have been together for 18 years and break, I doubt anything that happens is petty. Shit has probably been building up, and whatever reaction comes has probably been earned in one way or another.
Honestly, leaving without telling the person you stay with is better some times. Not everyone takes breakups well. If the situation is volatile, go with the path of least resistance.
That's another good point
Pretty sure this guy knows this woman better than social media people
She could see him leaving and flip tf out.
It doesn't explain the stuff he took or didn't take. Getting up and getting tfot whether they discussed it or not could have been for the best
Honestly, leaving without telling the person you stay with is better some times. Not everyone takes breakups well. If the situation is volatile, go with the path of least resistance.

Knew a guy who got cheated on by his girl. He was gonna move out and she knew. 95% of the stuff was his. One day he wasn't at the apartment , she changed the locks. That was illegal since she did it without permission from management. Had to get the cops involved.


I mentioned in the other thread how packed my shyt up and bounced while my ex was at work.

I definitely wasn't tryin wait til she got home, just to have her explode on me while leaving. Wasn't gonna take that chance. One of the best decisions I've ever done.
Lol, they both seem fraud. Why she playing victim if they had an agreement? If he was doing her a favor by taking all the stuff because she had no storage, where did he move it to? Is he giving it back/ just holding it or keeping it? Did he take her clothes and personal belongings as well?
She wanted to pursue her "dream"... He gave her an ultimatum.

Pursue it while they are separated or stay married or some shit like that.

She chose to chase her dream, he moved out
He grimy because they fucked before she left and he was letting her thing they were good

He a POS for that